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die satan die

  • 1 Die Satan Die

    Military: DSD

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Die Satan Die

  • 2 Teufel

    m; -s, -
    1. nur Sg.: der Teufel the Devil ( oder devil), Satan, Old Nick umg.; vom Teufel besessen sein be possessed by the devil; seine Seele dem Teufel verschreiben sell one’s soul to the devil; den Teufel austreiben exorcize the devil; bei jemandem: exorcize s.o.; Faust wurde vom Teufel geholt Faust was carried off to hell; der Teufel soll dich holen! umg. (oh,) to hell with you!
    2. (Dämon) devil, demon, imp; fig. (böser Mensch) devil (incarnate geh.); ein Teufel in Menschengestalt a devil in human form; kleiner Teufel little devil; armer Teufel poor devil ( oder blighter umg. oder sod Sl.)
    3. umg. in Wendungen: Teufel ( auch)! blimey!, bloody hell! Sl., Am. holy Toledo!; pfui Teufel! angeekelt: yuck!, ugh!; entrüstet: that’s disgusting!; scher dich zum Teufel! go to hell!; jemanden zum Teufel jagen send s.o. packing, kick s.o. out; jemanden zum Teufel wünschen wish s.o. in hell; wer / wo / was zum Teufel? who / where / what the devil (the hell Sl.)?; weiß der Teufel God knows; kein Teufel ist da not a sod Sl. ( oder soul); zum Teufel sein Geld etc.: have gone ( oder be) down the drain; Motor etc.: have had it ( oder its chips), be phut (Am. kaput); wie der Teufel oder auf Teufel komm raus arbeiten etc.: like the devil, like crazy; rennen etc.: like crazy (hell Sl.); in Teufels Küche geraten oder kommen get (o.s.) into a right (hell of a Sl.) mess, be up shit creek Sl.; wenn sie das sieht etc., dann ist der Teufel los there’ll be merry hell (Am. be hell to pay), she’ll hit the roof ( oder go ballistic); dort ist der Teufel los there’s all hell (let) loose ( oder it’s bloody chaos) (over) there; vor Feiertagen ist bei uns der Teufel los (sehr viel Betrieb) things are always frantic here just before a break; bist du des Teufels? have you gone mad?; den Teufel werd ich tun I’ll be damned ( oder blowed, Am. darned) if I do, like hell I will Sl.; er schert sich den Teufel drum he doesn’t give a damn (about that); der Teufel steckt im Detail the devil’s in the details, it’s the little things that always cause the problems; den Teufel an die Wand malen tempt fate; ihn reitet der Teufel oder in ihn ist der Teufel gefahren the devil’s got into him; den Teufel im Leib haben be a madcap, be a crazy character; da hat der Teufel seine Hand im Spiel the whole thing’s jinxed; es müsste schon mit dem Teufel zugehen, wenn es nicht klappen sollte you’d have to be hellishly unlucky for it not to work out; die Technik ist des Teufels technology is an invention of the devil; das hieße, den Teufel mit dem Beelzebub austreiben that would be out of the frying pan into the fire; wenn man vom Teufel spricht(, dann ist er nicht weit) speak ( oder talk) of the devil (and he’s sure to appear); etw. fürchten wie der Teufel das Weihwasser dread s.th., be terrified ( oder petrified) of s.th.; hinter etw. her sein wie der Teufel hinter der armen Seele not rest till one gets one’s hands on s.th.
    * * *
    der Teufel
    deuce; devil; fiend
    * * *
    Teu|fel ['tɔyfl]
    m -s, -
    1) (lit, fig) devil

    den Téúfel durch Beelzebub austreiben — to replace one evil with another

    den Téúfel im Leib haben — to be possessed by the devil

    der Téúfel der Eifersucht etc —

    ein Téúfel von einem Mann/einer Frau (old) — a devil of a man/woman

    2) (inf)

    Téúfel (noch mal or aber auch)! — damn it (all)! (inf), confound it! (inf)

    Téúfel auch (bewundernd)well I'll be damned (inf) or blowed (Brit inf), I'll be a sun-of-a-gun (US inf)

    scher dich or geh zum Téúfel, hol dich der Téúfel! — go to blazes (inf) or hell!

    der Téúfel soll ihn/es holen!, hol ihn/es der Téúfel — damn (inf) or blast (inf) him/it!, to hell with him/it (inf)

    jdn zum Téúfel wünschen — to wish sb in hell

    jdn zum Téúfel jagen or schicken — to send sb packing (inf)

    zum Téúfel! — damn! (inf), blast! (inf)

    wer zum Téúfel? — who the devil (inf) or the hell?

    zum Téúfel mit dem Ding! — damn or blast the thing! (inf), to hell with the thing! (inf)

    wenn man vom Téúfel spricht(, dann ist er nicht weit) (prov)talk (Brit) or speak of the devil (and he's sure to appear) (inf)

    das müsste schon mit dem Téúfel zugehen — that really would be a stroke of bad luck

    ihn muss der Téúfel geritten haben — he must have had a devil in him

    welcher Téúfel reitet ihn denn? — what's got into him?

    dann kommst or gerätst du in Téúfels Küche — then you'll be in a hell of a mess (inf)

    wie der Téúfel — like hell (inf), like the devil (inf)

    er ist hinter dem Geld her wie der Téúfel hinter der armen Seele — he's money mad (Brit inf), he loves money like the devil loves souls (US)

    jdn/etw fürchten wie der Téúfel das Weihwasser — to be absolutely terrified of sb/sth

    jdn/etw meiden wie der Téúfel das Weihwasser — to avoid sb/sth like the plague

    auf Téúfel komm raus — like crazy (inf)

    ich mache das auf Téúfel komm raus — I'll do that come hell or high water

    da ist der Téúfel los — all hell's been let loose (inf)

    bist du des Téúfels? (old)have you taken leave of your senses?

    sich den Téúfel um etw kümmern or scheren — not to give a damn (inf) or a fig (Brit inf) about sth

    den Téúfel werde ich (tun)! — I'll be damned if I will! (inf), like hell I will! (inf)

    der Téúfel steckt im Detail — the devil is or lies in the detail

    * * *
    1) (a devil: the fiends of hell.) fiend
    2) (the spirit of evil; Satan: He does not worship God - he worships the Devil.) devil
    3) (any evil or wicked spirit or person: That woman is a devil!) devil
    4) (a person who is bad or disapproved of: She's a lazy devil.) devil
    5) (an unfortunate person for whom one feels pity: Poor devils! I feel really sorry for them.) devil
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    1. kein pl (Satan)
    der \Teufel the Devil, Satan
    vom \Teufel besessen sein (wahnsinnig) to be mad; (fig: übermütig) to be wild
    den \Teufel im Leib haben (fig) to be possessed by the devil
    2. (teuflischer Mensch) devil, evil person
    ein \Teufel von einem Mann/einer Frau a devil of a man/woman
    ein/der \Teufel in Menschengestalt a/the devil in disguise
    armer \Teufel (fam) poor devil
    \Teufel auch! (fam) damn [it all]! fam; (bewundernd) well I'll be damned! fam
    den \Teufel durch [o mit dem] Beelzebub austreiben to jump out of the frying pan into the fire
    etw fürchten/scheuen wie der \Teufel das Weihwasser to fear nothing more than sth/avoid sth like the plague
    des \Teufels Gebetbuch [o Gesangbuch] (hum fam) a pack BRIT [or AM deck] of cards
    geh [o scher dich] zum \Teufel! (fam) go to hell! fam
    zum \Teufel gehen (fam: kaputtgehen) to be ruined
    in dich ist wohl der \Teufel gefahren! (fam: du bist frech) what do you think you're doing?; (du bist leichtsinnig) you must be mad
    hinter etw dat her sein wie der \Teufel hinter der armen Seele to be greedy for sth
    sie ist hinter dem Geld her wie der \Teufel hinter der armen Seele she's a money-grubber fam
    soll jdn/etw [doch] der \Teufel holen (fam) to hell with sb/sth fam
    hol dich der \Teufel (fam) go to hell! fam, to hell with you! fam
    hol's der \Teufel! (fam) damn it! fam, to hell with it! fam
    jdn zum \Teufel jagen [o schicken] (fam) to send sb packing fam
    auf \Teufel komm raus (fam) come hell or high water, like crazy
    die Termine müssen auf \Teufel komm raus eingehalten werden the dates have to be met, come hell or high water
    jdn/sich in \Teufels Küche bringen (fam) to get sb/oneself into a hell of a mess fam
    in \Teufels Küche kommen (fam) to get into a hell of a mess fam
    sich akk den \Teufel um etw akk kümmern [o scheren] (fam) to not give a damn about sth fam
    irgendwo ist der \Teufel los (fam) all hell is breaking loose somewhere fam
    in der Firma war gestern der \Teufel los all hell broke loose in the firm yesterday
    \Teufel noch mal [o aber auch]! (fam) well, I'll be damned! fam, damn it [all]! fam
    jdn reitet der \Teufel! (fam)
    dich reitet wohl der \Teufel! what's got into you?
    ich weiß auch nicht, was für ein \Teufel mich da geritten hat I don't know what got into me
    ihn muss der \Teufel geritten haben he must have had a devil in him
    des \Teufels sein (fam) to be mad, to have taken leave of one's senses
    ja bist du denn des \Teufels? have you lost your senses [or mind]?, are you mad [or crazy]?
    zum \Teufel sein (fam: kaputt) to have had it fam, to be ruined; (verloren) to have gone west fam
    wenn man vom \Teufel spricht [, dann ist er nicht weit] (prov) speak [or talk] of the devil [and he appears] prov
    der \Teufel steckt im Detail it's the little things that cause big problems
    den \Teufel tun werden, etw zu tun (fam) to be damned fam if one does sth
    sie wird den \Teufel tun, das zu machen she'll be damned if she does that
    den \Teufel werde ich [tun]! (fam) like hell I will! fam, I'll be damned if I will! fam
    den \Teufel an die Wand malen to imagine the worst
    mal bloß nicht den \Teufel an die Wand! don't invite trouble!; (stärker) disaster by talking like that!
    jdn/etw wie der \Teufel das Weihwasser fürchten (hum fam) to avoid sb/sth like the plague fam
    weiß der \Teufel (fam) who the hell knows fam
    das weiß der \Teufel! God [only] knows
    weiß der \Teufel, was/wie/wo... God knows what/how/where...
    wie der \Teufel (fam) like hell [or the devil] fam
    er ritt wie der \Teufel to rode like the devil
    jdn zum \Teufel wünschen (fam) to wish sb in hell
    es müsste mit dem \Teufel zugehen, wenn... (fam) hell would have to freeze over, before...
    zum \Teufel! (fam) damn ! fam, blast ! fam or dated
    zum \Teufel mit dir! to hell with you!
    ... zum \Teufel...? (fam)... the devil [or hell]...?
    wer zum \Teufel ist Herr Müller? who the hell is Mr Müller? fam
    * * *
    der; Teufels, Teufel: devil

    hol' dich/ihn usw. der Teufel!/der Teufel soll dich/ihn usw. holen! — (salopp) sod (Brit. sl.) or (coll.) damn you/him etc.

    das weiß der Teufel! (salopp) God [only] knows

    den Teufel werde ich [tun]! — (salopp) like hell [I will]! (coll.)

    mal bloß nicht den Teufel an die Wand!(ugs.) don't invite trouble/ (stärker) disaster by talking like that!

    des Teufels sein(ugs.) be mad; have taken leave of one's senses

    in Teufels Küche kommen/jemanden in Teufels Küche bringen — (ugs.) get into/put somebody in a hell of a mess (coll.)

    warum musst du den jetzt auf Teufel komm raus überholen?(ugs.) why are you so hell-bent on overtaking him now? (coll.)

    zum Teufel gehen(ugs.): (kaputtgehen) be ruined

    er soll sich zum Teufel scheren! (salopp) he can go to hell (coll.) or blazes (coll.)

    wer/wo usw. zum Teufel... — (salopp) who/where etc. the hell... (coll.)

    wenn man vom Teufel spricht[, dann ist er nicht weit] — (scherzh.) speak or talk of the devil [and he will appear]

    * * *
    Teufel m; -s, -
    1. nur sg:
    der Teufel the Devil ( oder devil), Satan, Old Nick umg;
    vom Teufel besessen sein be possessed by the devil;
    seine Seele dem Teufel verschreiben sell one’s soul to the devil;
    den Teufel austreiben exorcize the devil; bei jemandem: exorcize sb;
    Faust wurde vom Teufel geholt Faust was carried off to hell;
    der Teufel soll dich holen! umg (oh,) to hell with you!
    2. (Dämon) devil, demon, imp; fig (böser Mensch) devil (incarnate geh);
    ein Teufel in Menschengestalt a devil in human form;
    kleiner Teufel little devil;
    armer Teufel poor devil ( oder blighter umg oder sod sl)
    3. umg in Wendungen:
    Teufel (auch)! blimey!, bloody hell! sl, US holy Toledo!;
    pfui Teufel! angeekelt: yuck!, ugh!; entrüstet: that’s disgusting!;
    scher dich zum Teufel! go to hell!;
    jemanden zum Teufel jagen send sb packing, kick sb out;
    wer/wo/was zum Teufel? who/where/what the devil (the hell sl)?;
    weiß der Teufel God knows;
    kein Teufel ist da not a sod sl ( oder soul);
    zum Teufel sein Geld etc: have gone ( oder be) down the drain; Motor etc: have had it ( oder its chips), be phut (US kaput);
    auf Teufel komm raus arbeiten etc: like the devil, like crazy; rennen etc: like crazy (hell sl);
    kommen get (o.s.) into a right (hell of a sl) mess, be up shit creek sl; wenn sie das sieht etc,
    dann ist der Teufel los there’ll be merry hell (US be hell to pay), she’ll hit the roof ( oder go ballistic);
    dort ist der Teufel los there’s all hell (let) loose ( oder it’s bloody chaos) (over) there;
    vor Feiertagen ist bei uns der Teufel los (sehr viel Betrieb) things are always frantic here just before a break;
    bist du des Teufels? have you gone mad?;
    den Teufel werd ich tun I’ll be damned ( oder blowed, US darned) if I do, like hell I will sl;
    er schert sich den Teufel drum he doesn’t give a damn (about that);
    der Teufel steckt im Detail the devil’s in the details, it’s the little things that always cause the problems;
    in ihn ist der Teufel gefahren the devil’s got into him;
    den Teufel im Leib haben be a madcap, be a crazy character;
    da hat der Teufel seine Hand im Spiel the whole thing’s jinxed;
    es müsste schon mit dem Teufel zugehen, wenn es nicht klappen sollte you’d have to be hellishly unlucky for it not to work out;
    die Technik ist des Teufels technology is an invention of the devil;
    das hieße, den Teufel mit dem Beelzebub austreiben that would be out of the frying pan into the fire;
    wenn man vom Teufel spricht(, dann ist er nicht weit) speak ( oder talk) of the devil (and he’s sure to appear);
    etwas fürchten wie der Teufel das Weihwasser dread sth, be terrified ( oder petrified) of sth;
    hinter etwas her sein wie der Teufel hinter der armen Seele not rest till one gets one’s hands on sth
    * * *
    der; Teufels, Teufel: devil

    hol' dich/ihn usw. der Teufel!/der Teufel soll dich/ihn usw. holen! — (salopp) sod (Brit. sl.) or (coll.) damn you/him etc.

    das weiß der Teufel! (salopp) God [only] knows

    den Teufel werde ich [tun]! — (salopp) like hell [I will]! (coll.)

    mal bloß nicht den Teufel an die Wand!(ugs.) don't invite trouble/ (stärker) disaster by talking like that!

    des Teufels sein(ugs.) be mad; have taken leave of one's senses

    in Teufels Küche kommen/jemanden in Teufels Küche bringen — (ugs.) get into/put somebody in a hell of a mess (coll.)

    warum musst du den jetzt auf Teufel komm raus überholen?(ugs.) why are you so hell-bent on overtaking him now? (coll.)

    zum Teufel gehen(ugs.): (kaputtgehen) be ruined

    er soll sich zum Teufel scheren! (salopp) he can go to hell (coll.) or blazes (coll.)

    wer/wo usw. zum Teufel... — (salopp) who/where etc. the hell... (coll.)

    wenn man vom Teufel spricht[, dann ist er nicht weit] — (scherzh.) speak or talk of the devil [and he will appear]

    * * *
    - m.
    demon n.
    deuce n.
    devil n.
    fiend n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Teufel

  • 3 Menschengestalt

    f: in Menschengestalt in human form; ein Teufel in Menschengestalt a devil incarnate
    * * *
    human form

    ein Teufel or Satan in Menschengestalt — a devil in disguise

    * * *
    f human form
    etw/jd in \Menschengestalt sth/sb in human form
    Satan in \Menschengestalt the devil incarnate
    ein Teufel in \Menschengestalt a devil in disguise
    * * *
    die human form

    ein Engel/Teufel od. Satan in Menschengestalt sein — be an angel in human form/the devil incarnate

    * * *
    in Menschengestalt in human form;
    * * *
    die human form

    ein Engel/Teufel od. Satan in Menschengestalt sein — be an angel in human form/the devil incarnate

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Menschengestalt

  • 4 ὄλεθρος

    ὄλεθρος, ου, ὁ (ὄλλυμι ‘destroy’; Hom.+; SIG 527, 82 [c. 220 B.C.]; BGU 1027 XXVI, 11; LXX; PsSol 8:1; TestReub 4:6; 6:3; Philo; Jos., Ant. 17, 38, Vi. 264; SibOr 3, 327; 348)
    a state of destruction, destruction, ruin, death in our lit. always w. some kind of transcendent coloring (hostile spirits work ἐπʼ ὀλέθρῳ τοῦ γένους τῶν ἀνθρώπων Orig., C. Cels. 8, 54, 32): ἔρχεταί τινι ὄλ. ruin comes upon someone 1 Cl 57:4 (Pr 1:26). αἰφνίδιος αὐτοῖς ἐφίσταται ὄλ. sudden destruction will come upon them 1 Th 5:3. βυθίζειν τινὰ εἰς ὄλ. plunge someone headlong into ruin 1 Ti 6:9. ὄλ. αἰώνιος eternal death (TestReub 6:3) 2 Th 1:9 (s. ὀλέθριος).
    act of destruction, destruction παραδοῦναί τινα τῷ σατανᾷ εἰς ὄλ. τῆς σαρκός hand someone over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh 1 Cor 5:5 (handing over to Satan will result in the sinner’s death.—EvDobschütz, Die urchristl. Gemeinden 1902, 269–72; Lietzmann, Hdb. ’49, 28; and s. παραδίδωμι 1b.—Hierocles 14, 451b has the thought that the soul of the sinner in Hades is purified by the tortures of hell, and is saved thereby). Destruction brought about by Satan is mentioned also IEph 13:1 ὅταν πυκνῶς ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ γίνεσθε, καθαιροῦνται αἱ δυνάμεις τοῦ σατανᾶ καὶ λύεται ὁ ὄλ. αὐτοῦ when you come together frequently, the (spirit-) powers of Satan are destroyed, and his destructiveness is nullified.—DELG s.v. ὄλλυμι. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ὄλεθρος

  • 5 Teufel

    Teu·fel <-s, -> [tɔyfl̩] m
    der \Teufel the Devil, Satan
    2) ( teuflischer Mensch) devil, evil person
    den \Teufel durch [o mit dem] Beelzebub austreiben to jump from the frying pan into the fire;
    der \Teufel steckt im Detail it's the little things that cause big problems;
    jdn/sich in \Teufels Küche bringen ( fam) to get sb/oneself into a hell of a mess ( fam)
    in \Teufels Küche kommen ( fam) to get into a hell of a mess;
    ein/der \Teufel in Menschengestalt a/the devil in disguise;
    den \Teufel an die Wand malen to imagine the worst;
    jdn/etw wie der \Teufel das Weihwasser fürchten ( fürchten) ( fam) to avoid sb/sth like the plague ( fam)
    ja bist du denn des \Teufels? have you lost your senses [or mind] ?, are you mad [or (Am) crazy] ?;
    geh zum \Teufel! ( fam) go to hell! ( fam)
    soll jdn [doch] der \Teufel holen ( fam) to hell with sb ( fam)
    irgendwo ist der \Teufel los ( fam) all hell is breaking loose somewhere;
    in der Firma war gestern der \Teufel los all hell broke loose in the firm yesterday;
    jdn zum \Teufel jagen [o schicken] ( fam) to send sb packing ( fam)
    auf \Teufel komm raus ( fam) come hell or high water;
    die Termine müssen auf \Teufel komm raus eingehalten werden the dates have to be met, come hell or high water;
    sich den \Teufel um etw kümmern [o scheren] ( fam) to not give a damn about sth (sl)
    jdn reitet der \Teufel ( fam) sb is feeling his oats ( fam)
    scher dich zum \Teufel! ( fam) go to hell! (sl)
    wenn man vom \Teufel spricht[, kommt er] ([, kommt er]) speak [or talk] of the devil [and he appears];
    den \Teufel tun werden, etw zu tun ( fam) to be damned (sl) if one does sth;
    sie wird den \Teufel tun, das zu machen she'll be damned if she does that;
    weiß der \Teufel ( fam) who the hell knows ( fam)
    den \Teufel werde ich [tun]! ( fam) like hell I will! ( fam)
    jdn zum \Teufel wünschen ( fam) to wish sb in hell;
    es müsste mit dem \Teufel zugehen, wenn... ( fam) hell would have to freeze over, before...;
    \Teufel noch mal [o aber auch] ! ( fam) well, I'll be damned! (sl)
    wie der \Teufel ( fam) like hell [or the devil] ( fam)
    zum \Teufel! ( fam) damn ! (sl), blast ! (sl) dated;
    ... zum \Teufel...? ( fam)... the devil [or hell]...?;
    wer zum \Teufel ist Herr Müller? who the heck [or hell] is Mr. Müller? ( fam)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Teufel

  • 6 erheben

    I v/t
    1. (in die Höhe heben) (Arm, Glas, Augen) raise, lift (up); die Hand zum Gruß erheben raise one’s hand in greeting; seine Hand gegen jemanden erheben lift a hand against s.o.; erhobenen Hauptes geh. with head held high; seine Stimme erheben (zu sprechen anfangen) (begin to) speak, make one’s voice heard; (sich einsetzen) speak (out) (für / gegen in support of / against), declare o.s. (for/against); (seine Meinung sagen) express one’s view(s); (lauter sprechen) raise one’s voice, talk louder; erhoben; ein großes Geschrei erheben umg. make ( oder kick up) a great fuss ( wegen about s.th.), make a great song and dance about nothing; (protestieren) be up in arms (at once), protest furiously; Interessengruppe etc.: respond with a storm of protest
    2. lit. fig. (erbauen) (Geist, Gemüt) elevate, edify, improve, focus on higher things
    3. ( in einen höheren Rang einsetzen) elevate, promote, raise in status; in Redewendungen häufig: make; ein Dorf zur Stadt erheben make a village a town, give a village town status; etw. zum Prinzip / zur Maxime etc. erheben make s.th. a principle / a golden rule etc.; zum König etc. erhoben werden be made king etc.; in den Adelsstand erhoben werden in England: be elevated to the ( oder given a) peerage, be made a peer; Ritter: be knighted; HIST. be raised to the nobility
    4. MATH. raise; ins Quadrat erheben square; zur dritten Potenz erheben cube; zur vierten Potenz erheben raise to the fourth power
    5. (einfordern, einziehen) (Steuern, Zoll etc.) impose; (Gebühr) charge; (Beiträge) require
    6. bes. südd., österr. (amtlich feststellen) assess, register, record
    7. (Daten etc.) (sammeln) collect, compile, assemble; Beweise erheben JUR. assemble evidence
    8. (vorbringen, geltend machen) (Bedenken) express ( oder voice) reservations ( gegen about); einen Einwand erheben raise ( oder put forward) an objection ( gegen to); Beschuldigungen oder Vorwürfe gegen jemanden erheben criticize ( oder reproach) s.o. ( wegen for); Protest erheben gegen (make a) protest against; Anspruch, Einspruch, Klage 3 etc.
    II v/refl
    1. (aus dem Liegen oder Sitzen hochkommen) stand up, get up, rise förm., get ( oder rise förm.) to one’s feet; geh. (Bett verlassen) rise
    2. (in die Höhe steigen) Flugzeug, Vogel etc.: rise, climb; schnell, mühelos: soar (up)
    3. (emporragen) Berg, Turm etc.: rise; stärker: tower (up); sich erheben über (+ Akk) rise ( oder tower) above
    4. fig.: sich erheben über (+ Akk) (hinauskommen) rise above; (überlegen sein) be superior to
    5. fig.: sich erheben über (+ Akk) (sich für überlegen halten) look down on, think ( oder fancy) one is better than ( oder superior to)
    6. (rebellieren) Volk: rise (up) ( gegen against), rebel (against), revolt (against)
    7. fig. geh. (aufkommen, ausbrechen) Sturm: arise, come up, break; Wind: rise, get up, begin to blow; Frage: arise, be raised; Schwierigkeit: arise, crop up, occur; Zweifel etc.: arise, begin to form; Geschrei, Wehklagen etc.: break out, fill the air; es erhob sich lauter Protest there were ( oder this brought) loud protests; eine Stimme erhob sich somebody spoke (up); eine Stimme erhob sich aus der Menge a voice was ( oder could be) heard (from) among the crowd
    * * *
    (erhöhen) to exalt;
    (hochheben) to upraise; to elevate; to uplift; to raise;
    (verlangen) to levy; to raise;
    sich erheben
    to arise; to go up; to ascend; to rose; to get up; to rise
    * * *
    er|he|ben [ɛɐ'heːbn] ptp erhoben irreg [ɛɐ'hoːbn]
    1. vt
    1) (= hochheben) to raise (AUCH MATH), to lift (up); Glas, Stimme to raise

    die Hand zum Gruß erhében — to raise one's hand in greeting

    seinen or den Blick erhében — to look up

    jdn in den Adelsstand erhében — to raise or elevate sb to the peerage

    etw zu einem Prinzip/einer Regel etc erhében —

    jdn zum Herrscher erhében — to install sb as a/the ruler

    2) Gebühren to charge, to levy; Steuern (= einziehen) to raise, to levy; (= auferlegen) to impose
    3) Fakten, Daten to ascertain
    4) (liter = loben) to laud (liter), to extol (liter)
    2. vr
    1) (= aufstehen) to get up, to rise; (Flugzeug, Vogel) to rise
    2) (= sich auflehnen) to rise (up) (in revolt), to revolt
    3) (= aufragen) to rise (
    über +dat above)

    sich über eine Schwierigkeit erhében — to rise above or overcome a difficulty

    sich über andere erhében — to elevate or place oneself above others

    5) (= aufkommen) (Wind etc form Frage etc) to arise
    * * *
    1) (to improve (a person's mind etc): an elevating book.) elevate
    2) (to give (a shout etc).) raise
    3) (to (cause to) tremble or move with jerks: The explosion shook the building; We were shaking with laughter; Her voice shook as she told me the sad news.) shake
    * * *
    er·he·ben *
    I. vt
    etw \erheben to raise sth
    ein Messer [gegen jdn] \erheben to pull a knife [on sb]
    eine Schusswaffe [gegen jdn] erheben to draw a gun [on sb]
    den Arm/die Hand/die Faust [zum Gruß] \erheben to raise an arm/a hand/a fist [in greeting]
    etw [auf etw akk/von jdm] \erheben to levy sth [on sth/sb]
    4. (sammeln)
    etw \erheben to collect sth, to gather sth
    5. (machen)
    etw \erheben to render sth
    etw zu einem Prinzip \erheben to make sth into a principle
    6. (zum Ausdruck bringen)
    ein Geschrei/Gejammer \erheben to kick up [or to make] a fuss/to start whing[e]ing BRIT; Protest voice; Einspruch raise
    II. vr
    sich akk [von etw dat] \erheben to get up [from sth]
    sich akk [gegen jdn/etw] \erheben to rise up [against sb/sth]
    sich akk [über etw dat] \erheben to rise up [above sth]
    4. (geh: sich erhöhen)
    sich akk über jdn \erheben to believe oneself above sb
    Luzifer hatte sich über Gott erhoben Satan raised himself above God
    sich akk \erheben to start; Brise to come up; Wind to pick up; Sturm to blow up, to arise
    ein großes Geschrei/eine Wehklage erhob sich a cry/wail arose
    es erhebt sich aber immer noch die Frage,... the question still remains...
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (emporheben) raise <one's arm/hand/glass>
    2) levy < tax>; charge < fee>
    4) gather, collect <data, material>

    Anklage erhebenbring or prefer charges

    1) rise
    2) (rebellieren) rise up ( gegen against)
    * * *
    erheben (irr)
    A. v/t
    1. (in die Höhe heben) (Arm, Glas, Augen) raise, lift (up);
    die Hand zum Gruß erheben raise one’s hand in greeting;
    seine Hand gegen jemanden erheben lift a hand against sb;
    erhobenen Hauptes geh with head held high;
    seine Stimme erheben (zu sprechen anfangen) (begin to) speak, make one’s voice heard; (sich einsetzen) speak (out) (
    für/gegen in support of/against), declare o.s. (for/against); (seine Meinung sagen) express one’s view(s); (lauter sprechen) raise one’s voice, talk louder; erhoben;
    ein großes Geschrei erheben umg make ( oder kick up) a great fuss (
    wegen about sth), make a great song and dance about nothing; (protestieren) be up in arms (at once), protest furiously; Interessengruppe etc: respond with a storm of protest
    2. liter fig (erbauen) (Geist, Gemüt) elevate, edify, improve, focus on higher things
    3. (in einen höheren Rang einsetzen) elevate, promote, raise in status; in Redewendungen häufig: make;
    ein Dorf zur Stadt erheben make a village a town, give a village town status;
    etwas zum Prinzip/zur Maxime etc
    erheben make sth a principle/a golden rule etc;
    erhoben werden be made king etc;
    in den Adelsstand erhoben werden in England: be elevated to the ( oder given a) peerage, be made a peer; Ritter: be knighted; HIST be raised to the nobility
    4. MATH raise;
    zur vierten Potenz erheben raise to the fourth power
    5. (einfordern, einziehen) (Steuern, Zoll etc) impose; (Gebühr) charge; (Beiträge) require
    6. besonders südd, österr (amtlich feststellen) assess, register, record
    7. (Daten etc) (sammeln) collect, compile, assemble;
    Beweise erheben JUR assemble evidence
    8. (vorbringen, geltend machen) (Bedenken) express ( oder voice) reservations (
    gegen about);
    einen Einwand erheben raise ( oder put forward) an objection (
    gegen to);
    Vorwürfe gegen jemanden erheben criticize ( oder reproach) sb (
    wegen for);
    Protest erheben gegen (make a) protest against; Anspruch, Einspruch, Klage 3 etc
    B. v/r
    1.(aus dem Liegen oder Sitzen hochkommen) stand up, get up, rise form, get ( oder rise form) to one’s feet; geh (Bett verlassen) rise
    2. (in die Höhe steigen) Flugzeug, Vogel etc: rise, climb; schnell, mühelos: soar (up)
    3. (emporragen) Berg, Turm etc: rise; stärker: tower (up);
    sich erheben über (+akk) rise ( oder tower) above
    4. fig:
    sich erheben über (+akk) (hinauskommen) rise above; (überlegen sein) be superior to
    5. fig:
    sich erheben über (+akk) (sich für überlegen halten) look down on, think ( oder fancy) one is better than ( oder superior to)
    6. (rebellieren) Volk: rise (up) (
    gegen against), rebel (against), revolt (against)
    7. fig geh (aufkommen, ausbrechen) Sturm: arise, come up, break; Wind: rise, get up, begin to blow; Frage: arise, be raised; Schwierigkeit: arise, crop up, occur; Zweifel etc: arise, begin to form; Geschrei, Wehklagen etc: break out, fill the air;
    es erhob sich lauter Protest there were ( oder this brought) loud protests;
    eine Stimme erhob sich somebody spoke (up);
    eine Stimme erhob sich aus der Menge a voice was ( oder could be) heard (from) among the crowd
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (emporheben) raise <one's arm/hand/glass>
    2) levy < tax>; charge < fee>
    4) gather, collect <data, material>

    Anklage erhebenbring or prefer charges

    1) rise
    2) (rebellieren) rise up ( gegen against)
    * * *
    to elevate v.
    to extol v.
    to levy v.
    to raise v.
    to uplift v.
    to upraise v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > erheben

  • 7 πνεῦμα

    πνεῦμα, ατος, τό (πνέω; Aeschyl., Pre-Socr., Hdt.+. On the history of the word s. Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 308ff).
    air in movement, blowing, breathing (even the glowing exhalations of a volcanic crater: Diod S 5, 7, 3)
    wind (Aeschyl. et al.; LXX, EpArist, Philo; Jos., Ant. 2, 343; 349; SibOr 8, 297) in wordplay τὸ πνεῦμα πνεῖ the wind blows J 3:8a (EpJer 60 πνεῦμα ἐν πάσῃ χώρᾳ πνεῖ. But s. TDonn, ET 66, ’54f, 32; JThomas, Restoration Qtrly 24, ’81, 219–24). ὀθόνη πλοίου ὑπὸ πνεύματος πληρουμένη MPol 15:2. Of God ὁ ποιῶν τοὺς ἀγγέλους αὐτοῦ πνεύματα who makes his angels winds Hb 1:7; 1 Cl 36:3 (both Ps 103:4).
    the breathing out of air, blowing, breath (Aeschyl. et al.; Pla., Tim. 79b; LXX) ὁ ἄνομος, ὅν ὁ κύριος Ἰησοῦς ἀνελεῖ τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ 2 Th 2:8 (cp. Is 11:4; Ps 32:6).
    that which animates or gives life to the body, breath, (life-)spirit (Aeschyl. et al.; Phoenix of Colophon 1, 16 [Coll. Alex. p. 231] πν.=a breathing entity [in contrast to becoming earth in death]; Polyb. 31, 10, 4; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 4 p. 394b, 8ff; PHib 5, 54 [III B.C.]; PGM 4, 538; 658; 2499; LXX; TestAbr A 17 p. 98, 19 [Stone p. 44] al.; JosAs 19:3; SibOr 4, 46; Tat. 4:2) ἀφιέναι τὸ πνεῦμα give up one’s spirit, breathe one’s last (Eur., Hec. 571; Porphyr., Vi. Plotini 2) Mt 27:50. J says for this παραδιδόναι τὸ πν. 19:3 (cp. ApcMos 31 ἀποδῶ τὸ πν.; Just., D. 105, 5). Of the return of the (life-)spirit of a deceased person into her dead body ἐπέστρεψεν τὸ πν. αὐτῆς Lk 8:55 (cp. Jdg 15:19). εἰς χεῖράς σου παρατίθεμαι τὸ πν. μου into your hands I entrust my spirit 23:46 (Ps 30:6; for alleged focus on ἐλπίζειν s. EBons, BZ 38, ’94, 93–101). κύριε Ἰησοῦ, δέξαι τὸ πνεῦμά μου Ac 7:59; composite of both passages AcPl Ha 10, 23 (cp. ApcMos 42). τὸ πν. μου ὁ δεσπότης δέξεται GJs 23:3 (on the pneuma flying upward after death cp. Epicharm. in Vorsokrat. 23 [=13, 4th ed.], B 9 and 22; Eur., Suppl. 533 πνεῦμα μὲν πρὸς αἰθέρα, τὸ σῶμα δʼ ἐς γῆν; PGM 1, 177ff τελευτήσαντός σου τὸ σῶμα περιστελεῖ, σοῦ δὲ τὸ πνεῦμα … εἰς ἀέρα ἄξει σὺν αὑτῷ ‘when you are dead [the angel] will wrap your body … and take your spirit with him into the sky’). τὸ σῶμα χωρὶς πν. νεκρόν ἐστιν Js 2:26. πν. ζωῆς ἐκ τ. θεοῦ εἰσῆλθεν ἐν αὐτοῖς (i.e. the prophet-witnesses who have been martyred) Rv 11:11 (cp. Ezk 37:10 v.l. εἰσῆλθεν εἰς αὐτοὺς πνεῦμα ζωῆς; vs. 5). Of the spirit that animated the image of a beast, and enabled it to speak and to have Christians put to death 13:15.—After a person’s death, the πν. lives on as an independent being, in heaven πνεύματα δικαὶων τετελειωμένων Hb 12:23 (cp. Da 3:86 εὐλογεῖτε, πνεύματα καὶ ψυχαὶ δικαίων, τὸν κύριον). According to non-biblical sources, the πν. are in the netherworld (cp. En 22:3–13; Sib Or 7, 127) or in the air (PGM 1, 178), where evil spirits can prevent them from ascending higher (s. ἀήρ2b). τοῖς ἐν φυλακῇ πνεύμασιν πορευθεὶς ἐκήρυξεν 1 Pt 3:19 belongs here if it refers to Jesus’ preaching to the spirits of the dead confined in Hades (so Usteri et al.; s. also JMcCulloch, The Harrowing of Hell, 1930), whether it be when he descended into Hades, or when he returned to heaven (so RBultmann, Bekenntnis u. Liedfragmente im 1 Pt: ConNeot11, ’47, 1–14).—CClemen, Niedergefahren zu den Toten 1900; JTurmel, La Descente du Christ aux enfers 1905; JMonnier, La Descente aux enfers 1906; HHoltzmann, ARW 11, 1908, 285–97; KGschwind, Die Niederfahrt Christi in die Unterwelt 1911; DPlooij, De Descensus in 1 Pt 3:19 en 4:6: TT 47, 1913, 145–62; JBernard, The Descent into Hades a Christian Baptism (on 1 Pt 3:19ff): Exp. 8th ser., 11, 1916, 241–74; CSchmidt, Gespräche Jesu mit seinen Jüngern: TU 43, 1919, 452ff; JFrings, BZ 17, 1926, 75–88; JKroll, Gott u. Hölle ’32; RGanschinietz, Katabasis: Pauly-W. X/2, 1919, 2359–449; Clemen2 89–96; WBieder, Die Vorstellung v. d. Höllenfahrt Jesu Chr. ’49; SJohnson, JBL 79, ’60, 48–51; WDalton, Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits ’65. S. also the lit. in Windisch, Hdb.2 1930, exc. on 1 Pt 3:20; ESelwyn, The First Ep. of St. Peter ’46 and 4c below.—This is prob. also the place for θανατωθεὶς μὲν σαρκὶ ζωοποιηθεὶς δὲ πνεύματι• ἐν ᾧ καὶ … 1 Pt 3:18f (some mss. read πνεύματι instead of πνεύμασιν in vs. 19, evidently in ref. to the manner of Jesus’ movement; πνεῦμα is that part of Christ which, in contrast to σάρξ, did not pass away in death, but survived as an individual entity after death; s. ἐν 7). Likew. the contrast κατὰ σάρκα … κατὰ πνεῦμα Ro 1:3f. Cp. 1 Ti 3:16.
    a part of human personality, spirit
    when used with σάρξ, the flesh, it denotes the immaterial part 2 Cor 7:1; Col 2:5. Flesh and spirit=the whole personality, in its outer and inner aspects, oft. in Ign.: IMg 1:2; 13:1a; ITr ins; 12:1; IRo ins; ISm 1:1; IPol 5:1; AcPl Ant 13, 18 (=Aa I 237, 3).—In the same sense beside σῶμα, the body (Simplicius, In Epict. p. 50, 1; Ps.-Phoc. 106f; PGM 1, 178) 1 Cor 5:3–5; 7:34.—The inner life of humans is divided into ψυχὴ καὶ πνεῦμα (cp. Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 10 p. 370c τὶ θεῖον ὄντως ἐνῆν πνεῦμα τῇ ψυχῇ=a divine spirit was actually in the soul; Wsd 15:11; Jos., Ant. 1, 34; Tat. 13, 2; 15, 1 et al.; Ath. 27, 1. S. also Herm. Wr. 10, 13; 16f; PGM 4, 627; 630. ἐκ τριῶν συνεστάναι λέγουσι τὸν ἄνθρωπον ἐκ ψυχῆς καὶ σώματος καὶ πνεύματος Did., Gen. 55, 14) Hb 4:12. Cp. Phil 1:27. τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ ἡ ψυχὴ καὶ τὸ σῶμα 1 Th 5:23 (s. GMilligan, Thess. 1908, 78f; EvDobschütz in Meyer X7 1909, 230ff; EBurton, Spirit, Soul, and Flesh 1918; AFestugière, La Trichotomie des 1 Th 5:23 et la Philos. gr.: RSR 20, 1930, 385–415; CMasson, RTP 33, ’45, 97–102; FGrant, An Introd. to NT Thought ’50, 161–66). σαρκί, ψυχῇ, πνεύματι IPhld 11:2.
    as the source and seat of insight, feeling, and will, gener. as the representative part of human inner life (cp. PGM 4, 627; 3 Km 20:5; Sir 9:9 al.; Just., D. 30, 1; Did., Gen. 232, 5) ἐπιγνοὺς ὁ Ἰησοῦς τῷ πν. αὐτοῦ Mk 2:8. ἀναστενάξας τῷ πν. αὐτοῦ λέγει 8:12 (s. ἀναστενάζω). ἠγαλλίασεν τὸ πν. μου Lk 1:47 (in parallelism w. ψυχή vs. 46, as Sir 9:9). ἠγαλλιάσατο τῷ πν. 10:21 v.l., Ἰησοῦς ἐνεβριμήσατο τῷ πν. J 11:33 (s. ἐμβριμάομαι 3); Ἰης. ἐταράχθη τῷ πν. 13:21. παρωξύνετο τὸ πν. αὐτοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ Ac 17:16; ζέων τῷ πν. with spirit-fervor 18:25 (s. ζέω). τὸ παιδίον ἐκραταιοῦτο πνεύματι Lk 1:80; 2:40 v.l.; ἔθετο ὁ Παῦλος ἐν τῷ πν. Paul made up his mind Ac 19:21 (some would put this pass. in 6c, but cp. Lk 1:66 and analogous formulations Hom. et al. in L-S-J-M s.v. τίθημι A6). προσκυνήσουσιν τῷ πατρὶ ἐν πνεύματι of the spiritual, i.e. the pure, inner worship of God, that has nothing to do w. holy times, places, appurtenances, or ceremonies J 4:23; cp. vs. 24b. πν. συντετριμμένον (Ps 50:19) 1 Cl 18:17; 52:4.—2 Cl 20:4; Hv 3, 12, 2; 3, 13, 2.—This usage is also found in Paul. His conviction (s. 5 below) that the Christian possesses the (divine) πνεῦμα and thus is different fr. all other people, leads him to choose this word in preference to others, in order to characterize a believer’s inner being gener. ᾧ λατρεύω ἐν τῷ πν. μου Ro 1:9. οὐκ ἔσχηκα ἄνεσιν τῷ πν. μου 2 Cor 2:13. Cp. 7:13. As a matter of fact, it can mean simply a person’s very self or ego: τὸ πνεῦμα συμμαρτυρεῖ τῷ πνεύματι ἡμῶν the Spirit (of God) bears witness to our very self Ro 8:16 (cp. PGM 12, 327 ἠκούσθη μου τὸ πνεῦμα ὑπὸ πνεύματος οὐρανοῦ). ἀνέπαυσαν τὸ ἐμὸν πν. καὶ τὸ ὑμῶν they have refreshed both me and you 1 Cor 16:18. ἡ χάρις τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰ. Χρ. μετά τοῦ πν. (ὑμῶν) Gal 6:18; Phil 4:23; Phlm 25. Cp. 2 Ti 4:22. Likew. in Ign. τὸ ἐμὸν πν. my (unworthy) self IEph 18:1; IRo 9:3; cp. 1 Cor 2:11a—On the relation of the divine Spirit to the believer’s spiritual self, s. SWollenweider, Der Geist Gottes als Selbst der Glaubenden: ZTK 93, ’96, 163–92.—Only a part of the inner life, i.e. that which concerns the will, is meant in τὸ μὲν πνεῦμα πρόθυμον, ἡ δὲ σὰρξ ἀσθενής Mt 26:41; Mk 14:38; Pol 7:2. That which is inferior, anxiety, fear of suffering, etc. is attributed to the σάρξ.—The mng. of the expr. οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι Mt 5:3 is difficult to determine w. certainty (cp. Pla., Ep. 7, 335a πένης ἀνὴρ τὴν ψυχήν. The dat. as τῇ ψυχῇ M. Ant. 6, 52; 8, 51). The sense is prob. those who are poor in their inner life, because they do not have a misdirected pride in their own spiritual riches (s. AKlöpper, Über den Sinn u. die ursprgl. Form der ersten Seligpreisung der Bergpredigt bei Mt: ZWT 37, 1894, 175–91; RKabisch, Die erste Seligpreisung: StKr 69, 1896, 195–215; KKöhler, Die ursprgl. Form der Seligpreisungen: StKr 91, 1918, 157–92; JBoehmer, De Schatkamer 17, 1923, 11–16, TT [Copenhagen] 4, 1924, 195–207, JBL 45, 1926, 298–304; WMacgregor, ET 39, 1928, 293–97; VMacchioro, JR 12, ’32, 40–49; EEvans, Theology 47, ’44, 55–60; HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 134ff; Betz, SM 116 n. 178 for Qumran reff.).
    spiritual state, state of mind, disposition ἐν ἀγάπῃ πνεύματί τε πραΰτητος with love and a gentle spirit 1 Cor 4:21; cp. Gal 6:1. τὸ πν. τοῦ νοὸς ὑμῶν Eph 4:23 (s. νοῦς 2a). ἐν τῷ ἀφθάρτῳ τοῦ ἡσυχίου πνεύματος with the imperishable (gift) of a quiet disposition 1 Pt 3:4.
    an independent noncorporeal being, in contrast to a being that can be perceived by the physical senses, spirit (ELangton, Good and Evil Spirits ’42).
    God personally: πνεῦμα ὁ θεός J 4:24a (Ath. 16, 2; on God as a spirit, esp. in the Stoa, s. MPohlenz, D. Stoa ’48/49. Hdb. ad loc. Also Celsus 6, 71 [Stoic]; Herm. Wr. 18, 3 ἀκάματον μέν ἐστι πνεῦμα ὁ θεός).
    good, or at least not expressly evil spirits or spirit-beings (cp. CIG III, 5858b δαίμονες καὶ πνεύματα; Proclus on Pla., Cratyl. p. 69, 6; 12 Pasqu.; En 15:4; 6; 8; 10; TestAbr A 4 p. 81, 15f [Stone p. 10, 15f] πάντα τὰ ἐπουράνια πνεύματα; TestAbr B 13 p. 117, 26 [Stone p. 82] ὑψηλὸν πν.; PGM 3, 8 ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε, ἱερὸν πνεῦμα; 4, 1448; 3080; 12, 249) πνεῦμα w. ἄγγελος (cp. Jos., Ant. 4, 108; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 3, 33; 8, 12) Ac 23:8f. God is ὁ παντὸς πνεύματος κτίστης καὶ ἐπίσκοπος 1 Cl 59:3b.—Pl., God the μόνος εὐεργέτης πνεύματων 1 Cl 59:3a. Cp. 64 (s. on this Num 16:22; 27:16. Prayers for vengeance fr. Rheneia [Dssm., LO 351–55=LAE 423ff=SIG 1181, 2] τὸν θεὸν τὸν κύριον τῶν πνευμάτων; PGM 5, 467 θεὸς θεῶν, ὁ κύριος τῶν πν.; sim. the magic pap PWarr 21, 24; 26 [III A.D.]); the πατὴρ τῶν πνευμάτων Hb 12:9. Intermediary beings (in polytheistic terminology: δαίμονες) that serve God are called λειτουργικὰ πνεύματα Hb 1:14. In Rv we read of the ἑπτὰ πνεύματα (τοῦ θεοῦ) 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; s. ASkrinjar, Biblica 16, ’35, 1–24; 113–40.— Ghost Lk 24:37, 39.
    evil spirits (PGM 13, 798; 36, 160; TestJob 27, 2; ApcSed [both Satan]; AscIs 3:28; Just., D. 39, 6 al.; Ath. 25, 3), esp. in accounts of healing in the Synoptics: (τὸ) πνεῦμα (τὸ) ἀκάθαρτον (Just., D. 82, 3) Mt 12:43; Mk 1:23, 26; 3:30; 5:2, 8; 7:25; 9:25a; Lk 8:29; 9:42; 11:24; Rv 18:2. Pl. (TestBenj 5:2) Mt 10:1; Mk 1:27; 3:11; 5:13; 6:7; Lk 4:36; 6:18; Ac 5:16; 8:7; Rv 16:13; ending of Mk in the Freer ms.—τὸ πν. τὸ πονηρόν Ac 19:15f. Pl. (En 99:7; TestSim 4:9; 6:6, TestJud 16:1; Just., D. 76, 6) Lk 7:21; 8:2; Ac 19:12f.—πν. ἄλαλον Mk 9:17; cp. vs. 25b (s. ἄλαλος). πν. πύθων Ac 16:16 (s. πύθων). πν. ἀσθενείας Lk 13:11. Cp. 1 Ti 4:1b. πνεῦμα δαιμονίου ἀκαθάρτου (s. δαιμόνιον 2) Lk 4:33. πνεύματα δαιμονίων Rv 16:14 (in effect = personified ‘exhalations’ of evil powers; for the combination of πν. and δαιμ. cp. the love spell Sb 4324, 16f τὰ πνεύματα τῶν δαιμόνων τούτων).—Abs. of a harmful spirit Mk 9:20; Lk 9:39; Ac 16:18. Pl. Mt 8:16; 12:45; Lk 10:20; 11:26.—1 Pt 3:19 (s. 2 above) belongs here if the πνεύματα refer to hostile spirit-powers, evil spirits, fallen angels (so FSpitta, Christi Predigt an die Geister 1890; HGunkel, Zum religionsgesch. Verständnis des NT 1903, 72f; WBousset, ZNW 19, 1920, 50–66; Rtzst., Herr der Grösse 1919, 25ff; Knopf, Windisch, FHauck ad loc.; BReicke, The Disobedient Spirits and Christian Baptism ’46, esp. 54–56, 69).—Hermas also has the concept of evil spirits that lead an independent existence, and live and reign within the inner life of a pers.; the Holy Spirit, who also lives or would like to live there, is forced out by them (cp. TestDan 4) Hm 5, 1, 2–4; 5, 2, 5–8; 10, 1, 2. τὸ πν. τὸ ἅγιον … ἕτερον πονηρὸν πν. 5, 1, 2. These πνεύματα are ὀξυχολία 5, 1, 3; 5, 2, 8 (τὸ πονηρότατον πν.); 10, 1, 2; διψυχία 9:11 (ἐπίγειον πν. ἐστι παρὰ τοῦ διαβόλου); 10, 1, 2; λύπη 10, 1, 2 (πάντων τῶν πνευμάτων πονηροτέρα) and other vices. On the complicated pneuma-concept of the Mandates of Hermas s. MDibelius, Hdb. exc. on Hm 5, 2, 7; cp. Leutzsch, Hermas 453f n. 133.
    God’s being as controlling influence, with focus on association with humans, Spirit, spirit as that which differentiates God fr. everything that is not God, as the divine power that produces all divine existence, as the divine element in which all divine life is carried on, as the bearer of every application of the divine will. All those who belong to God possess or receive this spirit and hence have a share in God’s life. This spirit also serves to distinguish Christians fr. all unbelievers (cp. PGM 4, 1121ff, where the spirit is greeted as one who enters devotees and, in accordance w. God’s will, separates them fr. themselves, i.e. fr. the purely human part of their nature); for this latter aspect s. esp. 6 below.
    the Spirit of God, of the Lord (=God) etc. (LXX; TestSim 4:4; JosAs 8:11; ApcSed 14:6; 15:6; ApcMos 43; SibOr 3, 701; Ps.-Phoc. 106; Philo; Joseph. [s. c below]; apolog. Cp. Plut., Numa 4, 6 πνεῦμα θεοῦ, capable of begetting children; s. παρθένος a) τὸ πν. τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:11b, 14; 3:16; 6:11; 1J 4:2a (Just., D. 49, 3; Tat. 13, 3; Ath. 22, 3). τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ πν. 1 Pt 4:14 (Just., A I, 60, 6). τὸ πν. τὸ ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:12b. τὸ πν. κυρίου Ac 5:9; B 6:14; B 9:2 (cp. Mel., P. 32, 222). τὸ πνεῦμά μου or αὐτοῦ: Mt 12:18 (Is 42:1); Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f.—Cp. 1QS 4:21); 1 Cor 2:10a v.l.; Eph 3:16; 1 Th 4:8 (where τὸ ἅγιον is added); 1J 4:13.—τὸ πν. τοῦ πατρὸς ὑμῶν Mt 10:20. τὸ πν. τοῦ ἐγείραντος τὸν Ἰησοῦν Ro 8:11a.—Without the art. πν. θεοῦ (JosAs 4:9; Tat. 15:3; Theoph. Ant. 1, 5 [p. 66, 18]) the Spirit of God Mt 3:16; 12:28; Ro 8:9b, 14, 19; 1 Cor 7:40; 12:3a; 2 Cor 3:3 (πν. θεοῦ ζῶντος); Phil 3:3. πν. κυρίου Lk 4:18 (Is 61:1); Ac 8:39 (like J 3:8; 20:22; Ac 2:4, this pass. belongs on the borderline betw. the mngs. ‘wind’ and ‘spirit’; cp. Diod S 3, 60, 3 Ἕσπερον ἐξαίφνης ὑπὸ πνευμάτων συναρπαγέντα μεγάλων ἄφαντον γενέσθαι ‘Hesperus [a son of Atlas] was suddenly snatched by strong winds and vanished fr. sight’. S. HLeisegang, Der Hl. Geist I 1, 1919, 19ff; OCullmann, TZ. 4, ’48, 364); 1 Cl 21:2.
    the Spirit of Christ, of the Lord (=Christ) etc. τὸ πν. Ἰησοῦ Ac 16:7. τὸ πν. Χριστοῦ AcPlCor 2:32. τὸ ἐν αὐτοῖς πν. Χριστοῦ 1 Pt 1:11. πν. Χριστοῦ Ro 8:9c. πν. τοῦ Χριστοῦ AcPl Ha 8, 18. ἀπὸ τοῦ πν. τοῦ χριστοῦ AcPlCor 2:10. τὸ πν. Ἰης. Χριστοῦ Phil 1:19. τὸ πν. κυρίου 2 Cor 3:17b (JHermann, Kyrios und Pneuma, ’61). τὸ πν. τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ (=θεοῦ) Gal 4:6. As possessor of the divine Spirit, and at the same time controlling its distribution among humans, Christ is called κύριος πνεύματος Lord of the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18 (s. Windisch ad loc.); but many prefer to transl. from the Lord who is the Spirit.—CMoule, OCullmann Festschr., ’72, 231–37.
    Because of its heavenly origin and nature this Spirit is called (the) Holy Spirit (cp. PGM 4, 510 ἵνα πνεύσῃ ἐν ἐμοὶ τὸ ἱερὸν πνεῦμα.—Neither Philo nor Josephus called the Spirit πν. ἅγιον; the former used θεῖον or θεοῦ πν., the latter πν. θεῖον: Ant. 4, 118; 8, 408; 10, 239; but ἅγιον πνεῦμα Orig. C. Cels 1, 40, 16).
    α. w. the art. τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον (Is 63:10f; Ps 50:13; 142:10 v.l.; cp. Sus 45 Theod.; TestAbr A 4 p. 81, 10 [Stone p. 10]; JosAs 8:11 [codd. ADE]; AscIs 3, 15, 26; Just., D. 36, 6 al.) Mt 12:32 = Mk 3:29 = Lk 12:10 (τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα; on the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’ s. HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 96–112; AFridrichsen, Le péché contre le Saint-Esprit: RHPR 3, 1923, 367–72). Mk 12:36; 13:11; Lk 2:26; 3:22; 10:21; J 14:26; Ac 1:16; 2:33; 5:3, 32; 7:51; 8:18 v.l.; 10:44, 47; 11:15; 13:2; 15:8, 28; 19:6; 20:23, 28; 21:11; 28:25; Eph 1:13 (τὸ πν. τῆς ἐπαγγελίας τὸ ἅγιον); 4:30 (τὸ πν. τὸ ἅγιον τοῦ θεοῦ); Hb 3:7; 9:8; 10:15; 1 Cl 13:1; 16:2; 18:11 (Ps 50:13); 22:1; IEph 9:1; Hs 5, 5, 2; 5, 6, 5–7 (on the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Son in Hermas s. ALink, Christi Person u. Werk im Hirten des Hermas 1886; JvWalter, ZNW 14, 1913, 133–44; MDibelius, Hdb. exc. following Hs 5, 6, 8 p. 572–76).—τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα (Wsd 9:17; OdeSol 11:2; TestJob 51:2; ApcEsdr 7:16; Just. D. 25, 1 al.) Mt 28:19; Lk 12:10 (s. above), 12; Ac 1:8; 2:38 (epexegetic gen.); 4:31; 9:31; 10:45; 13:4; 16:6; 1 Cor 6:19; 2 Cor 13:13; 1J 5:7 v.l. (on the Comma Johanneum s. λόγο 3); GJs 24:4 (s. χρηματίζω 1bα). As the mother of Jesus GHb 20, 61 (HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 64ff; SHirsch, D. Vorstellg. v. e. weibl. πνεῦμα ἅγ. im NT u. in d. ältesten christl. Lit. 1927. Also WBousset, Hauptprobleme der Gnosis 1907, 9ff).
    β. without the art. (s. B-D-F §257, 2; Rob. 761; 795) πνεῦμα ἅγιον (PGM 3, 289; Da 5:12 LXX; PsSol 17:37; AssMos Fgm. b; Just., D. 4, 1 al.; Ath. 24, 1. S. also Da Theod. 4:8, 9, 18 θεοῦ πνεῦμα ἅγιον or πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἅγιον) Mk 1:8; Lk 1:15, 35, 41, 67; 2:25; 4:1; 11:13; J 20:22 (Cassien, La pentecôte johannique [J 20:19–23] ’39.—See also 1QS 4:20f); Ac 2:4a; 4:8; 7:55; 8:15, 17, 19; 9:17; 10:38; 11:24; 13:9; 19:2ab; Hb 2:4; 6:4; 1 Pt 1:12 v.l.; 1 Cl 2:2; AcPl 6:18; 9:4 (restored after Aa I 110, 11); AcPlCor 2:5.—So oft. in combination w. a prep.: διὰ πνεύματος ἁγίου Ac 1:2; 4:25; Ro 5:5; 2 Ti 1:14; 1 Cl 8:1 (cp. διὰ πν. αἰωνίου Hb 9:14). διὰ φωνῆς πν. ἁγίου AcPl Ha 11, 6. ἐκ πνεύματος ἁγίου (Eus., PE 3, 12, 3 of the Egyptians: ἐκ τ. πνεύματος οἴονται συλλαμβάνειν τὸν γῦπα. Here πνεῦμα= ‘wind’; s. Horapollo 1, 11 p. 14f. The same of other birds since Aristot.—On the neut. πνεῦμα as a masc. principle cp. Aristoxenus, Fgm. 13 of the two original principles: πατέρα μὲν φῶς, μητέρα δὲ σκότος) Mt 1:18, 20; IEph 18:2; GJs 14:2; 19:1 (pap). ἐν πνεύματι ἁγίῳ (PsSol 17:37; ApcZeph; Ar. 15, 1) Mt 3:11; Mk 1:8 v.l.; Lk 3:16; J 1:33b; Ac 1:5 (cp. 1QS 3:7f); 11:16; Ro 9:1; 14:17; 15:16; 1 Cor 12:3b; 2 Cor 6:6; 1 Th 1:5; 1 Pt 1:12 (without ἐν v.l.); Jd 20. ὑπὸ πνεύματος ἁγίου 2 Pt 1:21. Cp. ἐν δυνάμει πνεύματος ἁγίου Ro 15:13, 19 v.l. (for πνεύματος θεοῦ). μετὰ χαρᾶς πνεύματος ἁγίου 1 Th 1:6. διὰ ἀνακαινώσεως πνεύματος ἁγίου Tit 3:5.
    α. w. the art. τὸ πνεῦμα. In this connection the art. is perh. used anaphorically at times, w. the second mention of a word (s. B-D-F §252; Rob. 762); perh. Mt 12:31 (looking back to vs. 28 πν. θεοῦ); Mk 1:10, 12 (cp. vs. 8 πν. ἅγιον); Lk 4:1b, 14 (cp. vs. 1a); Ac 2:4b (cp. vs. 4a).—As a rule it is not possible to assume that anaphora is present: Mt 4:1; J 1:32, 33a; 3:6a, 8b (in wordplay), 34; 7:39a; Ac 8:29; 10:19; 11:12, 28; 19:1 D; 20:3 D, 22; 21:4; Ro 8:23 (ἀπαρχή 1bβ; 2), 26a, 27; 12:11; 15:30; 2 Cor 1:22 and 5:5 (KErlemann, ZNW 83, ’92, 202–23, and s. ἀρραβών); 12:18 (τῷ αὐτῷ πν.); Gal 3:2, 5, 14 (ἐπαγγελία 1bβ); Eph 4:3 (gen. of the author); 6:17 (perh. epexegetic gen.); 1 Ti 4:1a; Js 4:5; 1J 3:24; 5:6ab (some mss. add καὶ πνεύματος to the words διʼ ὕδατος κ. αἵματος at the beg. of the verse; this is approved by HvSoden, Moffatt, Vogels, Merk, and w. reservations by CDodd, The Joh. Epistles ’46, TManson, JTS 48, ’47, 25–33), vs. 8; Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 14:13; 22:17; B 19:2, B 7= D 4:10 (s. ἐτοιμάζω b). ἐν τῷ πνεύματι (led) by the Spirit Lk 2:27.—Paul links this Spirit of God, known to every Christian, with Christ as liberating agent in contrast to legal constraint ὁ κύριος τὸ πνεῦμα ἐστιν the Lord means Spirit 2 Cor 3:17a (UHolzmeister, 2 Cor 3:17 Dominus autem Spiritus est 1908; JNisius, Zur Erklärung v. 2 Cor 3:16ff: ZKT 40, 1916, 617–75; JKögel, Ὁ κύριος τὸ πνεῦμά ἐστιν: ASchlatter Festschr. 1922, 35–46; C Guignebert, Congr. d’Hist. du Christ. II 1928, 7–22; EFuchs, Christus u. d. Geist b. Pls ’32; HHughes, ET 45, ’34, 235f; CLattey, Verb. Dom. 20, ’40, 187–89; DGriffiths ET 55, ’43, 81–83; HIngo, Kyrios und Pneuma, ’61 [Paul]; JDunn, JTS 21, ’70, 309–20).
    β. without the art. πνεῦμα B 1:3. κοινωνία πνεύματος Phil 2:1 (κοινωνία 1 and 2). πνεύματι in the Spirit or through the Spirit Gal 3:3; 5:5, 16, 18; 1 Pt 4:6. εἰ ζῶμεν πνεύματι, πνεύματι καὶ στοιχῶμεν if we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit Gal 5:25. Freq. used w. a prep.: διὰ πνεύματος 1 Pt 1:22 v.l. ἐξ (ὕδατος καὶ) πνεύματος J 3:5. ἐν πνεύματι in, by, through the Spirit Mt 22:43; Eph 2:22; 3:5; 5:18; 6:18; Col 1:8 (ἀγάπη ἐν πνεύματι love called forth by the Spirit); B 9:7. κατὰ πνεῦμα Ro 8:4f; Gal 4:29. ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος 2 Th 2:13; 1 Pt 1:2 (s. ἁγιασμός).—In neg. expressions: οὔπω ἧν πνεῦμα the Spirit had not yet come J 7:39b. ψυχικοὶ πνεῦμα μὴ ἔχοντες worldly people, who do not have the Spirit Jd 19.—ἓν πνεῦμα one and the same Spirit 1 Cor 12:13; Eph 2:18; 4:4; one (in) Spirit 1 Cor 6:17.
    The Spirit is more closely defined by a gen. of thing: τὸ πν. τῆς ἀληθείας (TestJud 20:5) J 14:17; 15:26; 16:13 (in these three places the Spirit of Truth is the Paraclete promised by Jesus upon his departure); 1J 4:6 (opp. τὸ πνεῦμα τῆς πλάνης, as TestJud 20:1; PsSol 8:14 πλ. πλανήσεως; Just., D. 7, 3 πλάνου καὶ ἀκαθάρτου πνεύματος; cp. 1QS 4:23); τὸ τῆς δόξης πν. 1 Pt 4:14. τὸ πν. τῆς ζωῆς the Spirit of life Ro 8:2. το πν. τῆς πίστεως 2 Cor 4:13. πν. σοφίας καὶ ἀποκαλύψεως Eph 1:17 (cp. Just., D. 87, 4). πν. υἱοθεσίας Ro 8:15b (opp. πν. δουλείας vs. 15a). πν. δυνάμεως AcPl Ha 8, 25. πν. δυνάμεως καὶ ἀγάπης καὶ σωφρονισμοῦ 2 Ti 1:7 (opp. πν. δειλίας). τὸ πν. τῆς χάριτος (s. TestJud 24:2) Hb 10:29 (Zech 12:10); cp. 1 Cl 46:6.
    Of Christ ‘it is written’ in Scripture: (ἐγένετο) ὁ ἔσχατος Ἀδὰμ εἰς πνεῦμα ζῳοποιοῦν 1 Cor 15:45. The scripture pass. upon which the first part of this verse is based is Gen 2:7, where Wsd 15:11 also substitutes the words πνεῦμα ζωτικόν for πνοὴν ζωῆς (cp. Just., D. 6, 2). On the other hand, s. Philo, Leg. All. 1, 42 and s. the lit. s.v. Ἀδάμ ad loc.
    The (divine) Pneuma stands in contrast to everything that characterizes this age or the finite world gener.: οὐ τὸ πν. τοῦ κόσμου ἀλλὰ τὸ πν. τὸ ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:12; cp. Eph 2:2 and 1 Ti 4:1ab.
    α. in contrast to σάρξ, which is more closely connected w. sin than any other earthly material (Just., D. 135, 6): J 3:6; Ro 8:4–6, 9a, 13; Gal 3:3; 5:17ab; 6:8. Cp. B 10:9. πᾶσα ἐπιθυμία κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος στρατεύεται Pol 5:3.
    β. in contrast to σῶμα (=σάρξ) Ro 8:10 and to σάρξ (=σῶμα, as many hold) J 6:63a (for τὸ πν. ἐστιν τὸ ζῳοποιοῦν cp. Philo, Op. Mund. 30; Herm. Wr. in Cyrill., C. Jul. I 556c=542, 24 Sc. the pneuma τὰ πάντα ζῳοποιεῖ καὶ τρέφει. S. also f above). Cp. Ro 8:11b.
    γ. in contrast to γράμμα, which is the characteristic quality of God’s older declaration of the divine will in the law: Ro 2:29; 7:6; 2 Cor 3:6ab, 8 (cp. vs. 7).
    δ. in contrast to the wisdom of humans 1 Cor 2:13.
    the Spirit of God as exhibited in the character or activity of God’s people or selected agents, Spirit, spirit (s. HPreisker, Geist u. Leben ’33).
    πνεῦμα is accompanied by another noun, which characterizes the working of the Spirit more definitely: πνεῦμα καὶ δύναμις spirit and power Lk 1:17; 1 Cor 2:4. Cp. Ac 10:38; 1 Th 1:5. πνεῦμα καὶ ζωή J 6:63b. πνεῦμα κ. σοφία Ac 6:3; cp. vs. 10 (cp. TestReub 2:6 πνεῦμα λαλίας). πίστις κ. πνεῦμα ἅγιον 6:5 (cp. Just., D. 135, 6). χαρὰ καὶ πνεῦμα ἅγ. 13:52.
    Unless frustrated by humans in their natural condition, the Spirit of God produces a spiritual type of conduct Gal 5:16, 25 and produces the καρπὸς τοῦ πνεύματος vs. 22 (s. Vögtle under πλεονεξία).
    The Spirit inspires certain people of God B 12:2; B 13:5, above all, in their capacity as proclaimers of a divine revelation (Strabo 9, 3, 5 the πνεῦμα ἐνθουσιαστικόν, that inspired the Pythia; Περὶ ὕψους 13, 2; 33, 5 of the divine πν. that impels prophets and poets to express themselves; schol. on Pla. 856e of a μάντις: ἄνωθεν λαμβάνειν τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ πληροῦσθαι τοῦ θεοῦ; Aristobulus in Eus., PE 8, 10, 4 [=Fgm. 2, 4 p. 136 Holladay] τὸ θεῖον πν., καθʼ ὸ̔ καὶ προφήτης ἀνακεκήρυκται ‘[Moses possessed] the Divine Spirit with the result that he was proclaimed a prophet’; AscIs 1:7 τὸ πν. τὸ λαλοῦν ἐν ἐμοί; AssMos Fgm. f εἶδεν πνεύματι ἐπαρθείς; Just., A I, 38, 1 al.; Ath. 10, 3 τὸ προφητικὸν πν. Cp. Marinus, Vi. Procli 23 of Proclus: οὐ γὰρ ἄνευ θείας ἐπινοίας … διαλέγεσθαι; Orig., C. Cels. 3, 28, 23). προφητεία came into being only as ὑπὸ πνεύματος ἁγίου φερόμενοι ἐλάλησαν ἀπὸ θεοῦ ἄνθρωποι 2 Pt 1:21; cp. Ac 15:29 v.l.; cp. 1 Cl 8:1. David Mt 22:43; Mk 12:36; cp. Ac 1:16; 4:25. Isaiah Ac 28:25. Moses B 10:2, B 9; the Spirit was also active in giving the tables of the law to Moses 14:2. Christ himself spoke in the OT διὰ τοῦ πνεύματος τοῦ ἁγίου 1 Cl 22:1. The ἱεραὶ γραφαί are called αἱ διὰ τοῦ πν. τοῦ ἁγίου 45:2.—The Christian prophet Agabus also ἐσήμαινεν διὰ τοῦ πν. Ac 11:28; cp. Ac 21:11. Likew. Ign. IPhld 7:2. In general the Spirit reveals the most profound secrets to those who believe 1 Cor 2:10ab.—1 Cl claims to be written διὰ τοῦ ἁγ. πν. 63:2. On Ac 19:21 s. 3b.
    The Spirit of God, being one, shows the variety and richness of its life in the different kinds of spiritual gifts which are granted to certain Christians 1 Cor 12:4, 7, 11; cp. vs. 13ab.—Vss. 8–10 enumerate the individual gifts of the Spirit, using various prepositions: διὰ τοὺ πν. vs. 8a; κατὰ τὸ πν. vs. 8b; ἐν τῷ πν. vs. 9ab. τὸ πν. μὴ σβέννυτε do not quench the Spirit 1 Th 5:19 refers to the gift of prophecy, acc. to vs. 20.—The use of the pl. πνεύματα is explained in 1 Cor 14:12 by the varied nature of the Spirit’s working; in vs. 32 by the number of persons who possess the prophetic spirit; on the latter s. Rv 22:6 and 19:10.
    One special type of spiritual gift is represented by ecstatic speaking. Of those who ‘speak in tongues’ that no earthly person can understand: πνεύματι λαλεῖ μυστήρια expresses secret things in a spiritual way 1 Cor 14:2. Cp. vss. 14–16 and s. νοῦς 1b. τὸ πνεῦμα ὑπερεντυγχάνει στεναγμοῖς ἀλαλήτοις the Spirit pleads in our behalf with groans beyond words Ro 8:26b. Of speech that is ecstatic, but expressed in words that can be understood λαλεῖν ἐν πνεύματι D 11:7, 8; cp. vs. 9 (on the subject-matter 1 Cor 12:3; Jos., Ant. 4, 118f; TestJob 43:2 ἀναλαβὼν Ἐλιφᾶς πν. εἶπεν ὕμνον). Of the state of mind of the seer of the Apocalypse: ἐν πνεύματι Rv 17:3; 21:10; γενέσθαι ἐν πν. 1:10; 4:2 (s. γίνομαι 5c, ἐν 4c and EMoering, StKr 92, 1920, 148–54; RJeske, NTS 31, ’85, 452–66); AcPl Ha 6, 27. On the Spirit at Pentecost Ac 2:4 s. KLake: Beginn. I 5, ’33, 111–21. κατασταλέντος τοῦ πν. τοῦ ἐν Μύρτῃ when the Spirit (of prophecy) that was in Myrta ceased speaking AcPl Ha 7, 9.
    The Spirit leads and directs Christian missionaries in their journeys (Aelian, NA 11, 16 the young women are led blindfolded to the cave of the holy serpent; they are guided by a πνεῦμα θεῖον) Ac 16:6, 7 (by dreams, among other methods; cp. vs. 9f and s. Marinus, Vi. Procli 27: Proclus ἔφασκεν προθυμηθῆναι μὲν πολλάκις γράψαι, κωλυθῆναι δὲ ἐναργῶς ἔκ τινων ἐνυπνίων). In Ac 16:6–7 τὸ ἅγιον πν. and τὸ πν. Ἰησοῦ are distinguished.
    an activating spirit that is not fr. God, spirit: πν. ἔτερον a different (kind of) spirit 2 Cor 11:4. Cp. 2 Th 2:2; 1J 4:1–3. Because there are persons activated by such spirits, it is necessary to test the var. kinds of spirits (the same problem Artem. 3, 20 περὶ διαφορᾶς μάντεων, οἷς δεῖ προσέχειν καὶ οἷς μή) 1 Cor 12:10; 1J 4:1b. ὁ διάβολος πληροῖ αὐτὸν αὐτοῦ πν. Hm 11:3. Also οὐκ οἴδατε ποίου πνεύματός ἐστε Lk 9:55 v.l. distinguishes betw. the spirit shown by Jesus’ disciples, and another kind of spirit.—Even more rarely a spirit divinely given that is not God’s own; so (in a quot. fr. Is 29:10) a πνεῦμα κατανύξεως Ro 11:8.
    an independent transcendent personality, the Spirit, which appears in formulas that became more and more fixed and distinct (cp. Ath. 12, 2; Hippol., Ref. 7, 26, 2.—Ps.-Lucian, Philopatr. 12 θεόν, υἱόν πατρός, πνεῦμα ἐκ πατρὸς ἐκπορευόμενον ἓν ἐκ τριῶν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς τρία, ταῦτα νόμιζε Ζῆνα, τόνδʼ ἡγοῦ θεόν=‘God, son of the father, spirit proceeding from the father, one from three and three from one, consider these as Zeus, think of this one as God’. The entire context bears a Christian impress.—As Aion in gnostic speculation Iren. 1, 2, 5 [Harv. I 21, 2]): βαπτίζοντες αὐτοὺς εἰς τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ πατρὸς καὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ καὶ τοῦ ἁγίου πνεύματος Mt 28:19 (on the text s. βαπτίζω 2c; on the subject-matter GWalther, Die Entstehung des Taufsymbols aus dem Taufritus: StKr 95, 1924, 256ff); D 7:1, 3. Cp. 2 Cor 13:13; 1 Cl 58:2; IEph 9:1; IMg 13:1b, 2; MPol 14:3; 22:1, 3; Epil Mosq 5. On this s. HUsener, Dreiheit: RhM 58, 1903, 1ff; 161ff; 321ff; esp. 36ff; EvDobschütz, Zwei-u. dreigliedrige Formeln: JBL 50, ’31, 116–47 (also Heinrici Festschr. 1914, 92–100); Norden, Agn. Th. 228ff; JMainz, Die Bed. der Dreizahl im Judentum 1922; Clemen2 125–28; NSöderblom, Vater, Sohn u. Geist 1909; DNielsen, Der dreieinige Gott I 1922; GKrüger, Das Dogma v. der Dreieinigkeit 1905, 46ff; AHarnack, Entstehung u. Entwicklung der Kirchenverfassung 1910, 187ff; JHaussleiter, Trinitarischer Glaube u. Christusbekenntnis in der alten Kirche: BFCT XXV 4, 1920; JLebreton, Histoire du dogme de la Trinité I: Les origines6 1927; RBlümel, Pls u. d. dreieinige Gott 1929.—On the whole word FRüsche, D. Seelenpneuma ’33; HLeisegang, Der Hl. Geist I 1, 1919; EBurton, ICC Gal 1921, 486–95; PVolz, Der Geist Gottes u. d. verwandten Erscheinungen im AT 1910; JHehn, Zum Problem des Geistes im alten Orient u. im AT: ZAW n.s. 2, 1925, 210–25; SLinder, Studier till Gamla Testamentets föreställningar om anden 1926; AMarmorstein, Der Hl. Geist in der rabb. Legende: ARW 28, 1930, 286–303; NSnaith, The Distinctive Ideas of the OT ’46, 229–37; FDillistone, Bibl. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Theology Today 3, ’46/47, 486–97; TNicklin, Gospel Gleanings ’50, 341–46; ESchweizer, CDodd Festschr., ’56, 482–508; DLys, Rûach, Le Souffle dans l’AT, ’62; DHill, Gk. Words and Hebr. Mngs. ’67, 202–93.—HGunkel, Die Wirkungen des Hl. Geistes2 1899; HWeinel, Die Wirkungen des Geistes u. der Geister im nachap. Zeitalter 1899; EWinstanley, The Spirit in the NT 1908; HSwete, The Holy Spirit in the NT 1909, The Holy Spirit in the Ancient Church 1912; EScott, The Spirit in the NT 1923; FBüchsel, Der Geist Gottes im NT 1926; EvDobschütz, Der Geistbesitz des Christen im Urchristentum: Monatsschr. für Pastoral-theol. 20, 1924, 228ff; FBadcock, ‘The Spirit’ and Spirit in the NT: ET 45, ’34, 218–21; RBultmann, Theologie des NT ’48, 151–62 (Eng. tr. KGrobel, ’51, I 153–64); ESchweizer, Geist u. Gemeinde im NT ’52, Int 6, ’52, 259–78.—WTosetti, Der Hl. Geist als göttliche Pers. in den Evangelien 1918; HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion. Der Ursprung des Geistbegriffs der Syn. Ev. aus der griech. Mystik 1922; AFrövig, Das Sendungsbewusstsein Jesu u. der Geist 1924; HWindisch, Jes. u. d. Geist nach Syn. Überl.: Studies in Early Christianity, presented to FCPorter and BWBacon 1928, 209–36; FSynge, The Holy Spirit in the Gospels and Acts: CQR 120, ’35, 205–17; CBarrett, The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Trad. ’47.—ESokolowski, Die Begriffe Geist u. Leben bei Pls 1903; KDeissner, Auferstehungshoffnung u. Pneumagedanke bei Pls 1912; GVos, The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit: Bibl. and Theol. Studies by the Faculty of Princeton Theol. Sem. 1912, 209–59; HBertrams, Das Wesen des Geistes nach d. Anschauung des Ap. Pls 1913; WReinhard, Das Wirken des Hl. Geistes im Menschen nach den Briefen des Ap. Pls 1918; HHoyle, The Holy Spirit in St. Paul 1928; PGächter, Z. Pneumabegriff des hl. Pls: ZKT 53, 1929, 345–408; ASchweitzer, D. Mystik des Ap. Pls 1930, 159–74 al. [Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, tr. WMontgomery ’31, 160–76 al.]; E-BAllo, RB 43, ’34, 321–46 [1 Cor]; Ltzm., Hdb. exc. after Ro 8:11; Synge [s. above], CQR 119, ’35, 79–93 [Pauline epp.]; NWaaning, Onderzoek naar het gebruik van πνεῦμα bij Pls, diss. Amsterd. ’39; RJewett, Paul’s Anthropological Terms, ’71, 167–200.—HvBaer, Der Hl. Geist in den Lukasschriften 1926; MGoguel, La Notion joh. de l’Esprit 1902; JSimpson, The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: Exp., 9th ser., 4, 1925, 292–99; HWindisch, Jes. u. d. Geist im J.: Amicitiae Corolla (RHarris Festschr.) ’33, 303–18; WLofthouse, The Holy Spirit in Ac and J: ET 52, ’40/41, 334–36; CBarrett, The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: JTS 1 n.s., ’50, 1–15; FCrump, Pneuma in the Gospels, diss. Catholic Univ. of America, ’54; GLampe, Studies in the Gospels (RHLightfoot memorial vol.) ’55, 159–200; NHamilton, The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul, ’57; WDavies, Paul and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Flesh and Spirit: The Scrolls and the NT, ed. KStendahl, ’57, 157–82.—GJohnston, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Holy Spirit’ in the Qumran Lit.: NT Sidelights (ACPurdy Festschr.) ’60, 27–42; JPryke, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Flesh’ in Qumran and NT, RevQ 5, ’65, 346–60; HBraun, Qumran und d. NT II, ’66, 150–64; DHill, Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings, ’67, 202–93; WBieder, Pneumatolog. Aspekte im Hb, OCullmann Festschr. ’72, 251–59; KEasley, The Pauline Usage of πνεύματι as a Reference to the Spirit of God: JETS 27, ’84, 299–313 (statistics).—B. 260; 1087. Pauly-W. XIV 387–412. BHHW I 534–37. Schmidt, Syn. II 218–50. New Docs 4, 38f. DELG s.v. πνέω. M-M. Dict. de la Bible XI 126–398. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πνεῦμα

  • 8 σημεῖον

    σημεῖον, ου, τό (s. prec. entry; Aeschyl., Hdt.+; ins, pap, LXX, pseudepigr., Philo, Joseph., apolog.; loanw. in rabb.; Hippol., Ref. 6, 27, 4; Did., Gen. 115, 9 ‘symbol’; gener. ‘sign’)
    a sign or distinguishing mark whereby someth. is known, sign, token, indication (Diod S 3, 66, 3=evidences τῆς παρουσίας τοῦ θεοῦ; Cornutus 16 p. 21, 9.—Arrian, Anab. 6, 26, 4 of marks in the landscape showing direction; ParJer 5:11 τὰ ς. τῆς πόλεως; Just., A I, 55, 6 al.; Iren. 1, 14, 8 [Harv. I 143, 10]; Orig., C. Cels. 3, 43, 36 ς. τῆς μετὰ θάνατον ἐπιφανείας αὐτοῦ [sc. Ἰησοῦ]; 2, 59, 6 of the scars of the resurrected Lord τὰ ς. τῆς κολάσεως). τοῦτο ὑμῖν σημεῖον this (will be) a sign for you Lk 2:12 (cp. Is 37:30). ὅ ἐστιν ς. ἐν πάσῃ ἐπιστολῇ this is the mark of genuineness in every letter 2 Th 3:17 (Ps.-Pla., Ep. 13, 360a has at its beginning the words σύμβολον ὅτι παρʼ ἐμοῦ ἐστιν). Of a signal previously agreed upon δοῦναί τινι σημεῖον (PFay 128, 7 ἔδωκεν ἡμῖν σημεῖον ‘he gave us a signal’; Jos., Ant. 12, 404) Mt 26:48; 1 Cl 12:7.— A sign of things to come (PsSol 15:9 τὸ … σημεῖον ἀπωλείας ἐπὶ τοῦ μετώπου αὐτῶν; Did., Gen. 191, 6; Philo, Op. M. 58 σημεῖα μελλόντων; Jos., Bell. 6, 285; 296; 297) Mk 13:4; Lk 21:7. The event to be expected is added in the gen. τί τὸ ς. τῆς σῆς παρουσίας; Mt 24:3. τὸ ς. τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ ἀνθρώπου the sign by which one can mark the coming of the Human One (Son of Man) vs. 30 (TGlasson, JTS 15, ’64, 299f [a military metaphor, ‘standard’; cp. Is 18:3; 1QM 3f]). τὰ σημεῖα τῶν καιρῶν the signs of the (end)times (καιρός 3b) Mt 16:3. A sign of warning (Plut., Caes. 737 [63, 1]; SibOr 3, 457; Mel., P. 14, 90) 1 Cl 11:2. Prob. in like manner αἱ γλῶσσαι εἰς σημεῖόν εἰσιν τοῖς ἀπίστοις the tongues (γλῶσσα 3) serve as a (warning) sign to the unbelievers 1 Cor 14:22. Likew. the sign of Jonah (s. Ἰωνᾶς 1) in Luke: Lk 11:29, 30. Here the Human One is to be a sign to his generation, as Jonah was to the Ninevites; cp. οὗτος κεῖται εἰς σημεῖον ἀντιλεγόμενον (s. ἀντιλέγω 2) 2:34 (cp. Is 11:12).—W-S. §30, 10d.—GRunze, Das Zeichen des Menschensohnes u. der Doppelsinn des Jonazeichens 1897 (against him PSchmiedel, Lit. Centralblatt 48, 1897, 513–15; Runze again, ZWT 41, 1898, 171–85; finally PSchm. ibid. 514–25); PAsmussen, Protestantenblatt 37, 1904, 375–8; STyson, Bibl. World 33,1909, 96–101; CBowen, AJT 20, 1916, 414–21; JMichael, JTS 21, 1920, 146–59; JBonsirven, RSR 24, ’34, 450–55; HGale, JBL 60, ’41, 255–60; PSeidelin, Das Jonaszeichen, StTh 5, ’51, 119–31; AVögtle, Wikenhauser Festschr. ’53, 230–77; OGlombitza, D. Zeichen des Jona, NTS 8, ’62, 359–66.—In the OT circumcision is σημεῖον διαθήκης=a sign or token of belonging to the covenant (Gen 17:11). For Paul this sign becomes a mark, or seal (so σημεῖον: PRev 26, 5 [III B.C.]; PRein 9 introd. [II B.C.]; 35, 3; BGU 1064, 18) σημεῖον ἔλαβεν περιτομῆς σφραγῖδα he got the mark of circumcision as a seal Ro 4:11. In the difficult pass. B 12:5 ἐν σημείῳ is prob. best taken as by a sign; but it is poss. that the text is defective (s. Windisch, Hdb. ad loc.; RKraft, Did. and Barnabas ’65, 119 note: ‘standard, norm’).—τὰ σημεῖα τοῦ ἀποστόλου 2 Cor 12:12a belongs rather to the next category; the signs of the (true) apostle (cp. SIG 831, 14 [117 A.D.] ἡγούμην σημεῖα ἀγαθῶν ἀνδρῶν) are, as is shown by the verb κατειργάσθη and what follows, the wonders or miracles performed by him.
    an event that is an indication or confirmation of intervention by transcendent powers, miracle, portent
    α. a miracle of divine origin, performed by God himself, by Christ, or by men of God (cp. Diod S 5, 70, 4 πολλὰ ς. of the young Zeus; 16, 27, 2 ἐγένετο αὐτῷ σημεῖον ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος; Strabo 16, 2, 35 παρὰ τ. θεοῦ ς.; Appian, Ital. 8 §1 σημείων γενομένων ἐκ Διός, Hann. 56 §233; SIG 709, 25 [c. 107 B.C.] διὰ τῶν ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ γενομένων σαμείων; PGM 1, 65; 74; Jos., Ant. 2, 274; 280; Mel., P. 78, 568): Mt 12:38f; 16:1 (ς. ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ), 4; Mk 8:11 (ς. ἀπὸ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, as Synes., Prov. 1, 7; s. OLinton, The Demand for a Sign from Heaven, StTh 19, ’65, 112–29; JGibson, JSNT 38, ’90, 37–66, a phenomenon suggesting divine deliverance), 12; 16:17, 20; Lk 11:16 (ς. ἐξ οὐρανοῦ), 29 (s. 1 above); 23:8; J 2:11, 18, 23; 3:2; 4:54; 6:2, 14, 26, 30; 7:31; 9:16; 10:41; 11:47; 12:18, 37; 20:30 (on σημ. as a designation of Jesus’ miracles in J s. Hdb. on J 2:11 and 6:26; JBernard, ICC John 1929, I introd. 176–86; CBarrett, The Gosp. acc. to St. John, ’55, 62–65); Ac 4:16, 22 (τὸ ς. τῆς ἰάσεως the miracle of healing); 8:6; 1 Cor 1:22; Agr 9. τί εἴδετε σημεῖον ἐπὶ τὸν γεννηθέντα βασιλέα; what kind of sign did you see over the newborn king? GJs 21:2 (codd.). τὸ σημεῖον τὸ ἐνάρετον the marvelous sign AcPl Ha 3,16.—σημεῖα καὶ τέρατα (Polyb. 3, 112, 8 σημείων δὲ καὶ τεράτων πᾶν μὲν ἱερόν, πᾶσα δʼ ἦν οἰκία πλήρης; Plut., Alex. 706 [75, 1 sing.]; Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 36 §144 τέρατα καὶ σημεῖα οὐράνια; 4, 4 §14; Aelian, VH 12, 57; Philo, Mos. 1, 95, Aet. M. 2; Jos., Bell. 1, 28, Ant. 20, 168. Oft. in LXX: Ex 7:3; Dt 4:34; 6:22; 7:19 al.; Is 8:18; 20:3; Jer 39:21; Wsd 8:8; 10:16) J 4:48; Ac 2:43; 4:30; 5:12; 6:8; 7:36; 14:3; 15:12; Ro 15:19; Hb 2:4; 1 Cl 51:5; B 4:14; 5:8. δυνάμεις καὶ τέρατα κ. σημεῖα Ac 2:22; 2 Cor 12:12b (SSchreiber, Paulus als Wundertäter: BZNW 79, ’96) σημεῖα καὶ δυνάμεις Ac 8:13.—1 Cl 25:1; 2 Cl 15:4. SMc-Casland, JBL 76, ’57, 149–52; MWhittaker, Studia Evangelica 5, ’68, 155–58.
    β. worked by Satan or his agents to mislead God’s people (s. Iren. 5, 28, 2 [Harv. V 401, 32]) Rv 13:13f; 16:14; 19:20. σημεῖα κ. τέρατα Mt 24:24; Mk 13:22 (GBeasley-Murray, A Commentary on Mk 13, ’57; EGrässer, D. Problem der Parusie-verzögerung, ’57, 152–70); 2 Th 2:9; D 16:4.
    portent terrifying appearances in the heavens, never before seen, as portents of the last days Lk 21:11, 25 (Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 4 §14 σημεῖα πολλά around the sun; AscIs 3, 20); Ac 2:19 (cp. Jo 3:3); s. D 16:6. Of that which the seer of the Apocalypse sees ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ Rv 12:1, 3; 15:1. Of the portentous signs in heaven and earth at the death of Jesus GPt 8:28 (cp. Da 6:28 Theod. σημεῖα κ. τέρατα ἐν οὐρανῷ κ. ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς; Diod S 38 + 39 Fgm. 5: at the end of each one of the eight ages ordained by God there is a σημεῖον ἐκ γῆς ἢ οὐρανοῦ θαυμάσιον).—On miracles s. SIG 1168–73; RLembert, Das Wunder bei Römern u. Griechen I 1905; RReitzenstein, Hellenist. Wundererzählungen 1906, OWeinreich, Antike Heilungswunder 1909, Gebet u. Wunder: WSchmid Festschr. 1929, 169ff; PWendland, De Fabellis Antiquis earumque ad Christianos Propagatione 1911; FKutsch, Attische Heilgötter u. Heilheroen 1913; WJayne, The Healing Gods of Ancient Civilizations 1925; RHerzog, D. Wunderheilungen v. Epidaurus ’31; PFiebig, Jüdische Wundergeschichten des ntl. Zeitalters 1911; ASchlatter, Das Wunder in d. Synagoge 1912.—RLehmann, Naturwissenschaft u. bibl. Wunderfrage 1930; GNaumann, Die Wertschätzung des Wunders im NT 1903; GTraub, Das Wunder im NT2 1907; KBeth, Die Wunder Jesu 1908; JThompson, Miracles in the NT 1911; LFonck, Die Wunder des Herrn im Ev.2 1907; LFillion, Les miracles de Jésus-Christ 1909/1910; PDausch, Die Wunder Jesu 1912; SEitrem, Nordisk Tidskrift for Filologie 5, 1919, 30–36; RBultmann, Die Gesch. der synopt. Tradition2 ’31, 223–60; RJelke, Die Wunder Jesu 1922; GShafto, The Wonders of the Kingdom 1924; JBest, The Miracles of Christ in the Light of our Present Day Knowledge ’37; TTorrance, Expository Studies in St. John’s Miracles ’38; ARichardson, The Miracle Stories of the Gospels ’41; AFridrichsen, Le Problème du Miracle dans le Christianisme primitif: Études d’ Hist. et de Phil. rel. XII 1925; HSchlingensiepen, Die Wunder des NT ’33; OPerels, D. Wunderüberlieferung der Synoptiker ’34; PSaintyves, Essais de folklore biblique 1923; GMarquardt, D. Wunderproblem in d. deutschen prot. Theologie der Gegenwart ’33; GDelling, D. Verständnis des Wunders im NT, ZST 24, ’55, 265–80, Zur Beurteilung des Wunders durch d. Antike: Studien zum NT ’70, 53–71; SMcCasland, Signs and Wonders, JBL 76, ’57, 149–52; CBarrett, The Gosp. Acc. to John ’55, 62–65; JCharlier, La notion de signe (sêmeion) dans J: RSPT 43, ’59, 434–48; PRiga, Signs of Glory (J): Int 17, ’63, 402–24; HvanderLoos, The Miracles of Jesus ’65; WNicol, The Semeia in the Fourth Gosp. ’72; for Acts s. FNeirynck, the Miracle Stories in the Acts of the Apostles, An Introduction, in Les Actes des Apôtres, ed. JKremer ’79, 169–213.—Esp. on the healing of demoniacs JWeiss, RE IV 408ff; JJaeger, Ist Jesus Christus ein Suggestionstherapeut gewesen? 1918; KKnur, M.D., Christus medicus? 1905; KDusberger, Bibel u. Kirche ’51, 114–17 (foretoken).—RGrant, Miracle and Natural Law in Graeco-Roman and Early Christian Thought ’52. S. also the lit. s.v. δαιμόνιον 2.—See further MWestermann, ed. ΠΑΡΑΔΟΞΑΓΡΑΦΟΙ, Scriptores Rerum Mirabilium Graeci, 1839.—B. 914. DELG s.v. σῆμα. M-M. DBS XII 1281–1330. EDNT. ABD IV 869 (lit.). TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > σημεῖον

  • 9 erheben

    er·he·ben * irreg vt
    1) ( hochheben)
    etw \erheben to raise sth;
    ein Messer [gegen jdn] \erheben to pull a knife [on sb];
    eine Schusswaffe [gegen jdn] erheben to draw a gun [on sb]
    den Arm/ die Hand/die Faust [zum Gruß ] \erheben to raise an arm/a hand/a fist [in greeting]
    etw [auf etw akk /von jdm] \erheben to levy sth [on sth/sb]
    4) ( sammeln)
    etw \erheben to collect sth, to gather sth
    5) ( machen)
    etw zu etw dat \erheben to render sth sth;
    etw zu einem Prinzip \erheben to make sth into a principle
    ein Geschrei/Gejammer \erheben to kick up [or to make] a fuss/to start whing[e]ing ( Brit) Protest voice; Einspruch raise
    1) ( aufstehen)
    sich [von etw dat] \erheben to get up [from sth]
    sich [gegen jdn/etw] \erheben to rise up [against sb/sth]
    3) ( aufragen)
    sich [über etw dat] \erheben to rise up [above sth]
    4) (geh: sich erhöhen)
    sich über jdn \erheben to believe oneself above sb;
    Luzifer hatte sich über Gott erhoben Satan raised himself above God
    5) (entstehen, aufkommen)
    sich \erheben to start; Brise to come up; Wind to pick up; Sturm to blow up, to arise;
    es erhebt sich aber immer noch die Frage,... the question still remains...

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > erheben

  • 10 πειράζω

    πειράζω impf. ἐπείραζον; fut. πειράσω; 1 aor. ἐπείρασα, mid. 2 sg. ἐπειράσω. Pass.: 1 aor. ἐπειράσθην; pf. ptc. πεπειρασνένος (fr. πεῖρα; Hom., then Apollon. Rhod. 1, 495; 3, 10. In prose since Philo Mech. 50, 34; 51, 9; also Polyb.; Plut., Cleom. 808 [7, 3], Mor. 230a; Vett. Val. 17, 6; schol. on Aristoph., Pl. 575; PSI 927, 25 [II A.D.]; LXX; TestJos 16:3 v.l.; ApcSed 8:5 p. 133, 5 Ja.; Joseph.; Just., D. 103, 6; 125, 4.—B-D-F §101 p. 54; Mlt-H. 387 n. 1; 404).
    to make an effort to do someth., try, attempt at times in a context indicating futility (ὁ θεὸς τῷ πειράζοντι δοὺς ἐξουσίαν τὴν τοῦ διωκειν ἡμᾶς Orig., C. Cels. 8, 70, 11) w. inf. foll. (Polyb. 2, 6, 9; Dt 4:34.—B-D-F §392, 1a) Ac 9:26; 16:7; 24:6; Hs 8, 2, 7. Foll. by acc. w. inf. IMg 7:1. Abs. Hs 8, 2, 7.
    to endeavor to discover the nature or character of someth. by testing, try, make trial of, put to the test
    gener. τινά someone (Epict. 1, 9, 29; Ps 25:2) ἑαυτοὺς πειράζετε εἰ ἐστὲ ἐν τῇ πίστει 2 Cor 13:5 (π. εἰ as Jos., Bell. 4, 340). ἐπείρασας τοὺς λέγοντας ἑαυτοὺς ἀποστόλους Rv 2:2. προφήτην οὐ πειράσετε οὐδὲ διακρινεῖτε D 11:7.
    of God or Christ, who put people to the test, in a favorable sense (Ps.-Apollod. 3, 7; 7, 4 Zeus puts τὴν ἀσέβειαν of certain people to the test), so that they may prove themselves true J 6:6; Hb 11:17 (Abraham, as Gen 22:1). Also of painful trials sent by God (Ex 20:20; Dt 8:2 v.l.; Judg 2:22; Wsd 3:5; 11:9; Jdth 8:25f) 1 Cor 10:13; Hb 2:18ab; 4:15 (s. πειράω); 11:37 v.l.; Rv 3:10 (SBrown, JBL 85, ’66, 308–14 π.= afflict). Likew. of the measures taken by the angel of repentance Hs 7:1.
    The Bible (but s. the Pythia in Hdt. 6, 86, 3 τὸ πειρηθῆναι τοῦ θεοῦ κ. τὸ ποιῆσαι ἴσον δύνασθαι ‘to have tempted the deity was as bad as doing the deed’; cp. 1, 159) also speaks of a trial of God by humans. Their intent is to put God to the test, to discover whether God really can do a certain thing, esp. whether God notices sin and is able to punish it (Ex 17:2, 7; Num 14:22; Is 7:12; Ps 77:41, 56; Wsd 1:2 al.) 1 Cor 10:9; Hb 3:9 (Ps 94:9). τὸ πνεῦμα κυρίου Ac 5:9. In Ac 15:10 the πειράζειν τὸν θεόν consists in the fact that after God’s will has been clearly made known through granting of the Spirit to the Gentiles (vs. 8), some doubt and make trial to see whether God’s will really becomes operative. τὸν διά σου θεὸν πειράσαι θέλων, εἰ since I want to put the god (you proclaim) to a test, whether AcPt Ox 849, 20–22 followed by οὐ πειράζεται ὁ θεός God refuses to be put to a test.—ASommer, D. Begriff d. Versuchung im AT u. Judentum, diss. Breslau ’35. S. πειράω.
    to attempt to entrap through a process of inquiry, test. Jesus was so treated by his opponents, who planned to use their findings against him Mt 16:1; 19:3; 22:18, 35; Mk 8:11; 10:2; 12:15; Lk 11:16; 20:23 v.l.; J 8:6.
    to entice to improper behavior, tempt Gal 6:1; Js 1:13a (s. ἀπό 5eβ) and b, 14 (Aeschin. 1, 190 the gods do not lead people to sin). Above all the devil works in this way; hence he is directly called ὁ πειράζων the tempter Mt 4:3; 1 Th 3:5b. He tempts humans Ac 5:3 v.l.; 1 Cor 7:5; 1 Th 3:5a; Rv 2:10. But he also makes bold to tempt Jesus (Just.. D. 103, 6; Orig., C. Cels. 6, 43, 28) Mt 4:1; Mk 1:13; Lk 4:2 (cp. use of the pass. without ref. to the devil: ἐν τῷ πειράζεσθαι … καὶ σταυροῦσθαι Iren. 3, 19, 3 [Harv. II 104, 3].—Did., Gen. 225, 2). On the temptation of Jesus (s. also Hb 2:18a; 4:15; 2b above) s. HWillrich, ZNW 4, 1903, 349f; KBornhäuser, Die Versuchungen Jesu nach d. Hb: MKähler Festschr. 1905, 69–86; on this Windisch, Hb2 ’31, 38 exc. on Hb 4:15; AHarnack, Sprüche u. Reden Jesu 1907, 32–37; FSpitta, Zur Gesch. u. Lit. des Urchristentums III 2, 1907, 1–108; AMeyer, Die evangel. Berichte üb. d. Vers. Christi: HBlümner Festschr. 1914, 434–68; DVölter, NThT 6, 1917, 348–65; EBöklen, ZNW 18, 1918, 244–48; PKetter, D. Versuchg. Jesu 1918; BViolet, D. Aufbau d. Versuchungsgeschichte Jesu: Harnack Festschr. 1921, 14–21; NFreese, D. Versuchg. Jesu nach den Synopt., diss. Halle 1922, D. Versuchlichkeit Jesu: StKr 96/97, 1925, 313–18; SEitrem/AFridrichsen, D. Versuchg. Christi 1924; Clemen2 1924, 214–18; HVogels, D. Versuchungen Jesu: BZ 17, 1926, 238–55; SelmaHirsch [s. on βαπτίζω 2a]; HThielicke, Jes. Chr. am Scheideweg ’38; PSeidelin, DTh 6, ’39, 127–39; HHoughton, On the Temptations of Christ and Zarathustra: ATR 26, ’44, 166–75; EFascher, Jesus u. d. Satan ’49; RSchnackenburg, TQ 132, ’52, 297–326; K-PKöppen, Die Auslegung der Versuchungsgeschichte usw.’61; EBest, The Temptation and the Passion (Mk), ’65; JDupont, RB 73, ’66, 30–76.—B. 652f. DELG s.v. πεῖρα. M-M. EDNT. DLNT 1166–70. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πειράζω

  • 11 φῶς

    φῶς, φωτός, τό (Trag.+ [in Hom. φάος or φόως]; loanw. in rabb.) ‘light’
    light in contrast to darkness, light
    in the physical realm καθόλου τὸ φῶς μὴ βλέπειν (of Judas) Papias (3:2).—Opp. σκότος, as Job 18:18; En 104:8; PGM 5, 101; 7, 262; 13, 335; Theoph. Ant. 1, 2 (p. 60, 7) 2 Cor 4:6 (cp. Gen 1:3ff); 6:14. Not present at night J 11:10. λευκὸς ὡς τὸ φ. Mt 17:2. νεφέλη φωτός a bright cloud vs. 5 v.l. (TestAbr A 9 p. 87, 12 [Stone p. 22]). Of the light of the sun (φ. ἡλίου: Dio Chrys. 57 [74], 20 fr. Eur., Hippol. 617; Ael. Aristid. 45, 29 K.=8 p. 95 D; ApcZeph; Just., D. 128, 4; τὸ φ. τοῦ ἡλίου Theoph. Ant. 1, 2 [p. 60, 16]) Rv 22:5b; of a wondrous star IEph 19:2ab. Of lamp-light (Jer 25:10; Jos., Ant. 12, 319) Lk 8:16; 11:33 (v.l. φέγγος); J 5:35 (in imagery); Rv 18:23; 22:5a. Light fr. a transcendent source (Ael. Aristid. 49, 46 K.=p. 500, 17 D. ἐγένετο φῶς παρὰ τῆς Ἴσιδος; Marinus, Vi. Procli 23: a halo of light around Proclus’ head moves the beholder to προσκύνησις): an angel Ac 12:7; 2 Cor 11:14 (here ἄγγελος φωτός [cp. 1QS 3:20] is a messenger of the world of light in contrast to Satan); of Paul’s conversion experience Ac 9:3; 22:6 (both w. ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, as X., Cyr. 4, 2, 15; Dio Chrys. 11 [12], 29), 9, 11; 26:13 (οὐρανόθεν); the heavenly city Rv 21:24 (s. also bα below). ἐφάνη φῶς μέγα ἐν τῷ σπηλαίῳ a bright light appeared in the cave GJs 19:2, followed by φῶς ἐκεῖνο ὑπεστέλλετο that light faded out. ἦν τὸ ὄρος ἐκεῖνο διαφαίνων (pap=διαφαῖνον) αὐτῇ φ. that mountain was shining a light for her GJs 22:3.—In imagery: (εἰς φ. ἐλθεῖν=‘become apparent’ Hippol., Ref. 4, 28, 4) ἐν τῷ φωτί in the open, publicly (φ. of ‘the open’ X., Ages. 9, 1.—Opp. ἐν τῇ σκοτίᾳ) Mt 10:27; Lk 12:3 (Proverbia Aesopi 104 P.: ἅπερ ἐν νυκτὶ καλύπτεται, ταῦτα εἰς φῶς λαληθέντα … ‘what is hidden in the night gets talked about in the light’). Of an evil-doer it is said: μισεῖ τὸ φῶς καὶ οὐκ ἔρχεται πρὸς τὸ φῶς J 3:20 (cp. Eur., Iph. T. 1026 κλεπτῶν γὰρ ἡ νύξ, τῆς δʼ ἀληθείας τὸ φῶς=the night’s for thieves, the light’s for truth; Plut., Mor. 82b, Contra Volupt. in Stob., Anthol. 3, 6, 33 vol. III 299 H.; Philo, De Jos. 68, Spec. Leg. 1, 319–23; TestNapht 2:10).
    in a transcendent sense
    α. the passages in the central portion of 1a above show that light is the element and sphere of the divine (Ael. Aristid. 28, 114 K.=49 p. 528 D.: τοῦ θεοῦ φῶς; SibOr 3, 787 ἀθάνατον φ.; Tat. 13, 2 λόγος … ἐστὶ τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ φ.—Iren. 1, 4, 1 [Harv. I 32, 1]). God is called φῶς οἰκῶν ἀπρόσιτον 1 Ti 6:16 (Plut., Pericl. 173 [39, 2] the gods dwell in τὸν τόπον ἀσάλευτον φωτὶ καθαρωτάτῳ περιλαμπόμενον, Mor. 567f: the divine φωνή proceeds fr. a φῶς μέγα that suddenly shines forth), or it is said that God dwells ἐν τῷ φωτί 1J 1:7b. In fact, God is described as light pure and simple ὁ θεὸς φῶς ἐστιν vs. 5 (Philo, Somn. 1, 75; cp. TestJob 4:1 εἶπεν τὸ φῶς; ParJer 6:12; Ath. 31, 3 πάντα δὲ φῶς αὐτὸν ὄντα.—OSchaefer, StKr 105, ’33, 467–76). Cp. Dg 9:6. Likew. the Divine Redeemer (ParJer 9:14 τὸ φῶς τῶν αἰώνων πάντων) in the Fourth Gospel: J 1:7–9 (FAuer, Wie ist J 1:9 zu verstehen?: ThGl 28, ’36, 397–407); 12:35ab, 36ab (for 1J 2:8 s. β; on divinity as light s. RCharles, The Book of Enoch 1912, 71f; GWetter, Phōs [ΦΩΣ] 1915. S. also MDibelius, Die Vorstellung v. göttl. Licht: Deutsche Literaturzeitung 36, 1915, 1469–83 and MNilsson, GGA 1916, 49ff; FDölger, Die Sonne der Gerechtigkeit 1918, Sol Salutis 1920; WBousset, Kyrios Christos 2, 1921, 173; 174, 2 and 3; HJonas, Gnosis u. spätantiker Geist I ’34; Dodd 133–36; 183–87 al.; EGoodenough, By Light, Light: The Mystic Gospel of Hellenistic Judaism ’35; RBultmann, Z. Gesch. der Lichtsymbolik im Altertum: Philol 97, ’48, 1–36; 1QH 4:6; 18:29; BGU 597, 33 [I A.D.]). Jesus calls himself τὸ φῶς τοῦ κόσμου J 8:12a; 9:5; 12:46; cp. 3:19a (Mel., P. 103, 795; Wetter, ‘Ich bin das Licht der Welt’: Beiträge zur Religionswissenschaft I/2, 1914, 171ff), and is called τὸ φῶς τῶν ἀνθρώπων 1:4 (Ael. Aristid. 45, 33 K.=8 p. 97 D.: Sarapis as κοινὸν ἄπασιν ἀνθρώποις φῶς; hymn to Anubis fr. Kios [IAndrosIsis, p. 139] 7: Isis as φῶς πᾶσι βροτοῖσι). His very being is light and life (ζωή 2aβ; s. JWeisengoff, CBQ 8, ’46, 448–51) 1:4. Cp. also vs. 5; 3:19b, 21; Lk 2:32 (Jesus is a φῶς εἰς ἀποκάλυψιν ἐθνῶν).—FDölger, Lumen Christi: Ac V/1, ’35, 1–43. The martyr καθαρὸν φῶς λαμβάνει receives the pure light of heaven IRo 6:2.
    β. light, that illuminates the spirit and soul of humans (OdeSol 11:19 μεταβληθέντες ἀπὸ σκότους εἰς τὸ φῶς; JosAs 15:13 ἀναγαγεῖν με εἰς τὸ φῶς; Mel., P. 68, 491 ῥυσάμενος … ἐκ σκότους εἰς φῶς; Philosoph. Max. 499, 39 σωφροσύνη … ψυχῆς φῶς ἐστιν), is gener. the element in which the redeemed person lives, rich in blessings without and within (En 5:6 σωτηρία, φῶς ἀγαθόν; vs. 8 φ. καὶ χάρις; PsSol 3:12 ἡ ζωὴ αὐτῶν ἐν φωτὶ κυρίου): τότε ῤαγήσεται πρώϊμον τὸ φῶς σου then your light will break out early in the morning B 3:4 (Is 58:8; s. πρόϊμος, end). Of God δεῖξαι αὐτῷ (God’s servant) φῶς 1 Cl 16:12 (Is 53:11); of Messianic salvation, the gospel, etc. (opp. σκοτία, σκότος) Mt 4:16ab; AcPl Ha 8, 32f (Is 9:1ab; cp. Lucian, Nigr. 4 ἔχαιρον ὥσπερ ἐκ ζοφεροῦ ἀέρος ἐς μέγα φῶς ἀναβλέπων ‘I rejoiced, looking up as it were from a gloomy atmosphere into a bright light’); Ac 26:18; Eph 5:13; Col 1:12; 1 Pt 2:9; 1 Cl 36:2; 59:2; 2 Cl 1:4. τὸ φῶς τῆς ζωῆς (cp. 1QS 3:7) J 8:12b. τὸ φῶς τὸ ἀληθινόν (ParJer 9:3 φ. ἀληθινόν; cp. τὸ τῆς ἀληθείας φ. Did., Gen. 87, 23f; Orig., C. Cels. 5, 13, 20; saying of Pythagoreans: WienerStud 8, 1886 p. 280 no. 118 in contrast to σκότος; cp. TestJob 43:6 ὁ τοῦ σκότους καὶ οὐχὶ τοῦ φωτός [of Elihu]) 1J 2:8, cp. J 1:9 (s. α above). φῶς καταγγέλλειν Ac 26:23. To be filled w. Christian truth means ἐν τῷ φωτὶ περιπατεῖν 1J 1:7a, εἶναι 2:9, μένειν vs. 10. Such persons are called υἱοὶ τοῦ φωτός Lk 16:8; J 12:36c (cp. 1QS 1:9 et passim); 1 Th 5:5; τέκνα φωτός Eph 5:8b (ESelwyn, 1 Pt ’46, 375–82; KKuhn, NTS 7, ’61, 339: 1QS 3:20; 5:9, 10); τέκνα φωτὸς ἀληθείας IPhld 2:1 (Porphyr., Ep. ad Marcellam 20 φῶς τοῦ θεοῦ τῆς ἀληθείας; Simplicius p. 88, 3; 138, 30 Düb. τὸ τῆς ἀληθείας φῶς). They put on τὰ ὅπλα τοῦ φωτός Ro 13:12, travel the ὁδὸς τοῦ φωτός B 18:1; 19:1, 12, and produce the καρπὸς τοῦ φωτός Eph 5:9. The rdg. τ̣ο̣ [φω]ς Ox 1081, 29 is better restored after the Coptic SJCh as τέλος (q.v. 1).
    γ. bearers or bringers of this kind of light (φῶς of persons: Od. 16, 23; Anacr. 51 Diehl [32 Page; 124 Bergk] φάος Ἑλλήνων; Pind., I. 2, 17; Trag.; Biogr. p. 453 Hippocr. as ἀστήρ and φῶς of the healing art; TestJob 53:3 Job as φῶς τῶν τυφλῶν; SIG 1238, 2 [c. 160 A.D.] Φήγιλλα, τὸ φῶς τῆς οἰκίας) Is 49:6 φῶς ἐθνῶν is referred to Paul and Barnabas Ac 13:47, and to Christ B 14:8 (as Just., D. 65, 7); cp. 14:7 (Is 42:6) and cp. bα above. The Ἰουδαῖος considers himself a φῶς τῶν ἐν σκότει Ro 2:19. Jesus’ disciples are τὸ φῶς τοῦ κόσμου Mt 5:14; cp. vs. 16.—On Is 49:6 s. HOrlinsky, The 75th Anniv. Vol. of the JQR ’67, 409–28.
    δ. by metonymy, one who is illuminated or filled w. such light, or who stands in it Eph 5:8a (s. 1bβ above).—On the dualism of light and darkness, etc., s. Hebr. texts in the Dead Sea scrolls: KKuhn, ZTK 47, ’50, 192–211; WBrownlee, Excerpts fr. theTransl. of the Dead Sea Manual of Discipline: BASOR no. 121, ’51, 8–13; HPreisker, TLZ 77, ’52, 673–78; CHowie, The Cosmic Struggle: Int 8, ’54, 206–17.
    that which gives/bears light, torch, lamp, lantern, etc. (X., Hell. 5, 1, 8 φῶς ἔχειν; Musaeus vs. 224 of a λύχνος. Pl.: Plut., Ant. 927 [26, 6], Pelop. 284 [12, 3] al.; Lucian, Philops. 31) Ac 16:29. Fire, which furnishes both light and heat (X., Hell. 6, 2, 29; Cyr. 7, 5, 27; 1 Macc 12:29) Mk 14:54 (GBuchanan, ET 68, ’56, 27); Lk 22:56. Heavenly bodies (Manetho, Apotel. 6, 146 sun and moon δύο φῶτα; likew. Dio Chrys. 23 [40], 38; Ptolem., Apotel. 2, 13, 8; 3, 3, 3; 3, 5, 3 al. τὰ φ=constellations; Vett. Val. index II p. 384; PGM 13, 400; Ps 135:7; Jer 4:23): God is πατὴρ τῶν φώτων Js 1:17 (TestAbr B 7 p. 111, 11 [Stone p. 70] φῶς καλούμενον πατὴρ τοῦ φωτός; cp. ApcMos 36; 38); the sun as τὸ φῶς τοῦ κόσμου τούτου J 11:9 (Macrobius, Saturnal. 1, 23, 21 ἥλιε παντοκράτορ, … κόσμου φῶς; cp. Ps.-Demosth. 60, 24). Of the eye as an organ of light (Eur., Cycl. 633 φῶς Κύκλωπος; Ath. 32, 2) Mt 6:23; Lk 11:35.
    that which is illuminated by light: πᾶν τὸ φανερούμενον φῶς ἐστιν everything that becomes visible is (= stands in the) light Eph 5:14.—CMugler, Dictionnaire historique de la terminologie optique des Grecs ’64.—B. 60. Cp. φέγγος; s. Schmidt, Syn. I 563–98. DELG s.v. φάε. Frisk s.v. φάος. New Docs 1, 98f. M-M. EDNT. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > φῶς

  • 12 ἐξουσία

    ἐξουσία, ας, ἡ (Soph., Thu.+; ins, pap, LXX, En, pseudepigr., Philo, Joseph., Just.; Tat. 30, 1; Mel., P. 104, 810 [Bodm.]) from ἔξεστιν.
    a state of control over someth., freedom of choice, right (e.g., the ‘right’ to act, decide, or dispose of one’s property as one wishes: BGU 1158, 13 [9 B.C.] = Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 234, 13 legal t.t., esp. in wills: POxy 272, 13; BGU 183, 25 ἔχειν αὐτὴν τὴν ἐ. τῶν ἰδίων πάντων; PTebt 319, 21.—Sir 30:11) ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν have the right 2 Th 3:9 (Just., D 16, 4). W. inf. foll. (Teles p. 23, 14; 24, 11; Tob 2:13 S; 7:10 S) J 10:18; 1 Cor 9:4ff; Hb 13:10; Rv 13:5; B 4:2. W. obj. gen. foll. (τίς οὖν ἔτι ἔχει μου ἐξουσίαν; Epict. 3, 24, 70; διδόναι ἐξουσίαν τῶν πετεινῶν Did., Gen. 61, 24) εἰ ἄλλοι τῆς ὑμῶν ἐ. μετέχουσι 1 Cor 9:12. Also ἐ. ἐπὶ τὸ ξύλον τῆς ζωῆς the right to the tree of life Rv 22:14. W. verbs of two constr. ἔχει ἐ. ὁ κεραμεὺς τοῦ πηλοῦ ἐκ τοῦ αὐτοῦ φυράματος the potter has a right over the clay, to make fr. the same lump Ro 9:21. ἐ. ἔχειν περί τινος (4 Macc 4:5) be at liberty w. regard to a thing (opp. ἀνάγκην ἔχειν) 1 Cor 7:37; cp. 8:9; ἐ. ἐν τ. εὐαγγελίῳ a right in the gospel 9:18. ἐν τῇ σῇ ἐ. ὑπῆρχεν was at your disposal Ac 5:4 (Esth 4:17b; Appian, Liby. 52 §226 ἐν ἐ. εἶναι τί τινι=someth. is at someone’s disposal, is within one’s power).
    potential or resource to command, control, or govern, capability, might, power (on capacity for someth. cp. Did., Gen. 162, 5: ἡ προσαιρέσεως ἐξουσία; cp. 1 Esdr 4:28, 40; 2 Macc 7:16 the king can do what he pleases because he has the capability for doing so) ἡ ἐ. τ. ἵππων ἐν τ. στόματι αὐτῶν ἐστιν Rv 9:19; cp. vs. 3; 13:2, 4; 18:1; Mt 9:8; Ac 8:19. W. inf. foll. to indicate the thing that one is able to do (En 25:4 ἅψασθαι; Diod S 4, 52, 4 ἀμύνασθαι εἶχεν ἐξουσίαν; Mel., P. 104 πάντα κρίνει); ἐκβάλλειν τ. δαιμόνια [b]Mk 3:15. ἐμβαλεῖν εἰς τ. γέενναν Lk 12:5; cp. J 1:12; 7:1 v.l.; Rv 9:10; 11:6. W. gen. of the inf. foll. τοῦ πατεῖν ἐπάνω ὄφεων Lk 10:19; ποιεῖν ἐ. exercise power Rv 13:12. ἐ. ἔχειν τινός have power over someone (Epict. 4, 12, 8) GPt 3:7; ἑαυτοῦ IPol 7:3; also ἐ. ἔχειν ἐπί τινος Rv 20:6; cp. AcPl Ha 1, 3. Esp. of God’s power (Theodor. Prodr. 5, 313 ἡ θεῶν ἐ.; Da 4:17; Jos., Ant. 5, 109; 18, 214) Lk 12:5 (cp. 2 Cl 5:4); Ac 1:7; Jd 25; Hs 9, 23, 4. πάντων τ. ἐξουσίαν power over all Hm 4, 1, 11; Hs 9, 28, 8. πᾶσα ἡ ἐ. 5, 7, 3 (En 9:5). τὴν κατὰ πάντων ἐ. MPol. 2:1. τέλους ἐ. power over the end PtK 2 p. 13, 22. ἐ. ἐπὶ τ. πληγάς control over the plagues Rv 16:9. Also of Satan’s power Ac 26:18; ending of Mk in the Freer ms.; B 2:1.—The power that comes fr. God can involve transcendent knowledge, and both may be expressed by ἐ. (Herm. Wr. 1, 13; 14; 32). So his hearers conclude fr. Jesus’ teaching that he must have ἐ. (i.e. it is not necessary for him to first ask what the traditional practice or interpretation requires) Mk 1:22 (‘license’ of a Jewish teacher L-S-J-M Suppl., ’68; against this AArgyle, ET 80, ’68/69, 343); cp. Mt 7:29 (Rtzst., Poim. 48, 3, Mysterienrel.3 302; 363; JStarr, HTR 23, 1930, 302–5; HWindisch, Pls. u. Christus ’34, 151ff; DDaube, JTS 39, ’38, 45–59; HFlowers, ET 66, ’55, 254 [‘like a king’]; DHudson, ET 67, ’55/56, 17; JCoutts, JTS 8, ’57, 111–18 [Jesus and the 12]). The prep. expr. κατʼ ἐξουσίαν in accordance w. knowledge and power Mk 1:27 and ἐν ἐ. Lk 4:32 belong to this classification; cp. 4:36. The close relation of ἐ. w. ‘gnosis’ and teaching also B 18:1.—But it is not always possible to draw a hard and fast line betw. this sense and
    the right to control or command, authority, absolute power, warrant (Sextus 36: the πιστός has ἐ. fr. God) ἐ. καὶ ἐπιτροπή (cp. Ps.-Pla., Defin. p. 415c ἐξουσία, ἐπιτροπὴ νόμου) authority and commission Ac 26:12. ἐν ποίᾳ ἐξουσίᾳ ταῦτα ποιεῖς; by whose authority are you doing this? Mt 21:23, 24, 27; Mk 11:28, 29, 33; Lk 20:2, 8. ἐ. διδόναι τινί put someone in charge (Diod S 13, 36, 2; 14, 81, 6; cp. Vi. Aesopi G 11 p. 39, 6 P.; En 9:7; TestJob 3:6; Jos., Ant. 2, 90; 20, 193) Mk 13:34; PtK 2 p. 14, 13. οἷς ἔδωκεν τοῦ εὐαγγελίου τὴν ἐ. to whom he gave rights over the Gospel (for its proclamation) B 8:3. ὅτι τὸ ἄρχειν ἐξουσίας ἐστίν that ruling depends on authority 6:18. Of apostolic authority 2 Cor 10:8; 13:10; ISm 4:1. Of Jesus’ total authority Mt 28:18 (cp. Herm. Wr. 1, 32; Da 7:14; DStanley, CBQ 29, ’67, 555–73); Hs 5, 6, 1. W. gen. of the one who has authority ἐ. τοῦ Χριστοῦ Rv 12:10 (Just., A I, 40, 7). W. gen. of that over which the authority is exercised (Diod S 2, 27, 3; IDefixWünsch 4, 21; Ps 135:8, 9; Wsd 10:14; Sir 17:2; Jos., Vi. 190) ἐ. πνευμάτων ἀκαθάρτων over the unclean spirits Mt 10:1; Mk 6:7; cp. J 17:2; Hm 4, 3, 5; PtK 2 p. 14, 13; 1 Cl 61:2; ISm 4:1; τούτου τοῦ λαοῦ Hs 8, 3, 3. Also ἐπί w. acc. (cp. Sir 33:20) Lk 9:1; cp. Rv 6:8; 13:7. Likew. ἐπί w. gen. (cp. Da 3:97) Rv 2:26; 11:6b; 14:18. παρά τινος (also ἀπό τινος Orig., C. Cels. 2, 13, 56) indicates the source of the authority (s. παρά A3b) Ac 9:14; 26:10; Hs 5, 6, 4 (restored from the Lat.; ἐ. λαμβάνειν as Diod S 11, 42, 6; TestJob 8:2f; 16:4; Vi. Aesopi G 11 p. 39, 4 P.) and κατά τινος the one against whom it is directed (TestJob 16:2 κατʼ ἐμοῦ; 8:2 κατὰ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων μου ‘over my possessions’; Sb 8316, 6f κύριε Σάραπι δὸς αὐτῷ κατεξουσίαν κατὰ τῶν ἐχθρῶν αὐτοῦ; Orig., C. Cels. 7, 43, 25) J 19:11 (HvCampenhausen, TLZ 73, ’48, 387–92); B 4:13. W. pres. inf. foll. (cp. X., Mem. 2, 6, 24 and 35; Diod S 12, 75, 4; 1 Macc 10:35; 11:58; Jos., Ant. 4, 247) Mt 9:6; Mk 2:10; Lk 5:24; J 5:27. W. aor. inf. foll. (Jdth 8:15; 1 Esdr 8:22; 1 Macc 1:13) 19:10. Foll. by gen. of the pres. inf. (4 Macc 5:15) Hm 12, 4, 2.—RDillon, ‘As One Having Authority’ (Mark 1:22): CBQ 57, ’95, 92–113.
    power exercised by rulers or others in high position by virtue of their office, ruling power, official power (Ps.-Pla., Alc. 1, 135b al.; LXX; Jos., Bell. 2, 140, Vi. 80) ἐ. ὡς βασιλεύς Rv 17:12f (Diod S 2, 45, 1 βασιλικὴν ἐ. ἔχειν; 14, 32, 5 ἐ. λαμβάνειν); ἐ. τοῦ ἡγεμόνος Lk 20:20; cp. J 19:10f, s. 3 above. ἐ. ἐπάνω δέκα πόλεων Lk 19:17. ἄνθρωπος ὑπὸ ἐξουσίαν τασσόμενος a man under authority 7:8 (MFrost, ET 45, ’34, 477f); cp. Mt 8:9; Hs 1:3.—The power of a particular office (Diod S 1, 70, 1; 14, 113, 6 ἡ ὑπατικὴ ἐξουσία; Plut., Mar. 406 [2, 1], Caes. 734 [58, 1]) ἐπαρχικὴ ἐ. the power of prefect Phlm subscr.
    human authorities, officials, government (Dionys. Hal. 8, 44; 11, 32; POxy 261, 15) Lk 12:11 (here and elsewh. in NT w. ἀρχή, as also in Pla.); Ro 13:1, 2, 3 (with 13:1b cp. the express. ‘ancient saying’ [s. Hes., Theogony 96 ἐκ δὲ Διὸς βασιλῆες. On this HFränkel, Dichtung u. Philos. des frühen Griechentums ’62, 111 n. 6] in Artem. 2, 36 p. 135, 24; 2, 69 p. 161, 17 τὸ κρατοῦν δύναμιν ἔχει θεοῦ=the ruling power has its authority from God; Wsd 6:3; Jos., Bell. 2, 140 οὐ δίχα θεοῦ περιγενέσθαι τινὶ τὸ ἄρχειν … ἐξουσίαν); Tit 3:1. For the view that the ἐ. of Ro 13 are spirit powers, as b below, s. OCullmann, Christ and Time (tr. Filson) ’50, 191–210.—On the subj. in gener. s. LGaugusch, D. Staatslehre d. Ap. Pls nach Ro 13: ThGl 5, ’34, 529–50; JUitman, Onder Eig. Vaandel 15, ’40, 102–21; HvCampenhausen, ABertholet Festschr. ’50, 97–113; OCullmann, Zur neuesten Diskussion über die ἐξουσίαι in Rö 13:1: TZ 10, ’54, 321–36, D. Staat im NT ’612 (Eng. tr.: The State in the NT ’56, 93–114); against him AStrobel, ZNW 47, ’56, 67–93.—GCaird, Princip. and Powers ’56; RMorgenthaler TZ 12, ’56, 289–304; CMorrison, The Powers That Be ’60; EBarnikol, Rö 13. Der nichtpaulinische Ursprung der absoluten Obrigkeitsbejahung v. Rö 13:1–7 ’61, 65–133; HSchlier, Principalities and Powers in the NT ’61 (Eng. tr.); MBorg, NTS 19, ’72/73, 205–18. οἱ ἐπʼ ἐξουσίαν ἀχθέντες those who are brought before the authorities Hs 9, 28, 4.
    of transcendent rulers and functionaries: powers of the spirit world (TestLevi 3:8; TestSol 20:15 B), sg. (w. ἀρχή and δύναμις) 1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; Col 2:10. Pl. (w. ἀρχαί as Just., D. 41, 1; cp. Orig., C. Cels. 4, 29, 22) Eph 3:10; 6:12; Col 1:16; 2:15; (w. ἄγγελοι, δυνάμεις) 1 Pt 3:22. Cp. the v.l. for ἄρχειν Papias (4).
    the sphere in which power is exercised, domain (4 Km 20:13; Ps 113:2) Lk 4:6. ἐκ τ. ἐξουσίας Ἡρῴδου ἐστίν he comes fr. Herod’s jurisdiction 23:7. ἐ. τοῦ σκότους domain of darkness 22:53; Col 1:13 (opp. the βασιλεία of Christ). Hence ἐ. τοῦ ἀέρος simply domain of the air Eph 2:2; s. ἀήρ 2b.
    Various opinions are held about the mng. of 1 Cor 11:10 ὀφείλει ἡ γυνὴ ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν ἐπὶ τῆς κεφαλῆς διὰ τοὺς ἀγγέλους. Many now understand it as a means of exercising power (cp. δύναμις 1b.—It is abstract for concrete, as βασιλεία [1] in Diod S 1, 47, 5: a stone figure ἔχουσα τρεῖς βασιλείας ἐπὶ τῆς κεφαλῆς=that wears three symbols of royal power [diadems] on its head), that is to say, the veil (κάλυμμα is v.l. for ἐ. here; s. critical apparatus in N.) by which women at prayer (when they draw near to the heavenly realm) protect themselves fr. the amorous glances of certain angels. But the veil may also have been simply a symbol of womanly dignity, esp. befitting a Christian woman, and esp. in the presence of holy angels (s. Cadbury below).—WWeber, ZWT 46, 1903, 487–99; Dibelius, Geisterwelt 12–23 al.; EFehrle, Die kultische Keuschheit im Altertum1910, 39; RPerdelwitz, StKr 86, 1913, 611–13; LBrun, ZNW 14, 1913, 298–308; GKittel, Rabbinica 1920, 17ff; Billerb. III 423–35; KBornhäuser, NKZ 41, 1930, 475–88; WFoerster, ZNW 30, ’31, 185f; MGinsburger, RHPR 12, ’32, 245–47; OMotta, ET 44, ’33, 139–41; CSpicq, RB 48, ’39, 557–62; EBlakeney, ET 55, ’44, 138; SLösch, TQ 127, ’47, 216–61; JFitzmyer, NTS 3, ’57, 48–58; HCadbury, HTR 51, ’58, 1f (Qumran parallels); MHooker, NTS 10, ’64, 410–16; AIsaksson, Marriage and Ministry in the NT ’65, 176–81; GSchwartz, ZNW 70, ’79, 249 (Aramaic background).—LCerfaux et JTondriau, Un Concurrent du Christianisme, ’57. S. on ἄγγελος 2c.—V.l. for ἄρχειν Papias (4).—DELG s.v. εἰμί. New Docs 2, 83f. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐξουσία

  • 13 ὑπάγω

    ὑπάγω impf. ὑπῆγον (Hom.+, but predom. trans. [=‘bring under’, etc.] in non-biblical Gk.; so also Ex 14:21; in NT gener. replaces ἀπέρχομαι). In our lit. (though not found at all in Ac, Paul, Hb; most frequently in John) used only intr. (so Hdt., Eur., Aristoph. et al.; oft. pap; JKalitsunakis, ByzZ 29, 1929, 228ff; also TestAbr B 6 p. 111, 1 [Stone p. 70]; TestJob 46, 5; JosAs 16:15; ParJer 7:11; ApcEsdr p. 25, 5 Tdf.; ApcSed 9:1) ‘go away, withdraw, go’ and only in the pres. (mostly in the impv.) and impf.—B-D-F §101 p. 43 under ἄγειν; 308: it tends more and more to mean simply ‘go’ in colloq. speech; so in Mod. Gk.
    to leave someone’s presence, go away (Epict. 3, 23, 12) ὕπαγε σατανᾶ be gone, Satan! Mt 4:10; combined w. ὀπίσω μου ibid.; v.l.; 16:23; Mk 8:33; Lk 4:8 v.l. ὑπάγετε ἀπʼ ἐμοῦ 2 Cl 4:5 (saying of Jesus, fr. an unknown source). μὴ καὶ ὑμεῖς θέλετε ὑπάγειν; do you, too, want to go away (fr. me)? J 6:67.—ὕπαγε go (away) (PGM 4, 348; 371; 36, 354), esp. go home (Epict. 3, 22, 108) Mt 8:13; 19:21; 20:14; Mk 2:9 v.l.; 7:29; 10:52. On ὕπαγε εἰς εἰρήνην Mk 5:34 or ὑπάγετε ἐν εἰρήνῃ Js 2:16 cp. εἰρήνη 2a. In other moods than the impv. in the general sense go away J 18:8; Hs 8, 2, 5; 9, 10, 4; go away=leave Mk 6:33. ὑπάγουσα λέγει as she went she said Hv 1, 4, 3. ἄφετε αὐτὸν ὑπάγειν let him go (prob.= go home) J 11:44. Naturally the boundary betw. go away and go (elsewhere) is not fixed; cp. e.g. οἱ ἐρχόμενοι καὶ οἱ ὑπάγοντες people coming and going Mk 6:31.
    to be on the move, esp. in a certain direction, go
    in gener. (in a certain direction) w. the goal indicated by εἰς w. the acc. (Epict. 3, 22, 108; TestJob 46, 5; SEG VIII, 574, 19 [III A.D.]; PLond I, 131, 155 p. 174; 218 p. 176 [I A.D.]; al. in pap) Mt 9:6; 20:4, 7; Mk 2:11; 11:2; 14:13; Lk 19:30; J 6:21; 7:3; 9:11; 11:31; Hv 4, 1, 2; Hs 8, 3, 6; 9, 11, 6. Also in imagery of stones that go into a building = are used in its construction Hv 3, 5, 1 and 3; 3, 6, 2; Hs 9, 3, 3f. Fig. εἰς αἰχμαλωσίαν ὑπάγειν go into captivity Rv 13:10; εἰς ἀπώλειαν 17:8, 11 (ApcEsdr 1:11). ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν πόλιν πρὸς τὸν δεῖνα Mt 26:18; cp. Mk 5:19 (ὑπάγειν πρός τινα as PTebt 417, 4; 21). πρὸς Νέρωνα AcPl Ha 10, 15. ὑπάγειν μετά τινος (PTebt 422, 9 ὕπαγε μετὰ Μέλανος πρὸς Νεμεσᾶν) Mt 5:41=D 1:4; μετά τινος ἐπί τινα Lk 12:58. ἐκεῖ J 11:8. ποῦ (=ποῖ) 3:8; cp. IPhld 7:1; J 12:35. ὅπου ἂν ὑπάγῃ Rv 14:4 (cp. POxy 1477, 2 ὅπου ὑπάγω; TestLevi 13:3 ὅπου ὑπάγει). W. inf. of purpose ὑπάγω ἁλιεύειν J 21:3 (the only pass. in the NT; s. M-EBoismard, RB 54, ’47, 489; TestBenj ὑπάγειν αὐτὸν κρύψαι; TestAbr B 6 p. 111, 1 [Stone p. 70] ὑπάγω τηρῆσαι τὸν ἀδελφὸν Λὼτ ἀπὸ Σοδόμων).—The impv. ὕπαγε, ὑπάγετε is followed by another impv. in the NT almost always without a connective (Epict. 3, 21, 6; 22, 5; 23, 12 al.; Vi. Aesopi W 44 P. ὕπαγε, δός al.; ApcSed 9:1 ὕπαγε, λαβέ) ὕπαγε ἔλεγξον Mt 18:15; cp. 5:24; 8:4; 19:21; 21:28; 27:65; 28:10; Mk 1:44; 6:38; 10:21; 16:7; J 4:16; 9:7; Rv 10:8; AcPl Ha 7, 32. W. the conjunction καί (PTebt 417, 5f [III A.D.] ὕπαγε καὶ εἴδε) ὑπάγετε καὶ ἐκχέετε Rv 16:1; cp. Hv 3, 1, 7; 4, 2, 5; Hs 8, 11, 1; 9, 10, 1. ὑπάγετε καὶ ζητήσατε GJs 21:2 (codd.; cp. πορευθέντες ἐξετάσατε Mt 2:8).—Abs. go (the context supplies the destination) ὑπάγετε Mt 8:32; cp. 13:44; Lk 10:3; J 15:16. ἐν τῷ ὑπάγειν αὐτόν as he was going Lk 8:42; cp. 17:14.—J 12:11 (P66 om. ὑπ.); Hv 3, 10, 2.
    used esp. of Christ and his going to the Father, characteristically of J. ὑπάγω πρὸς τὸν πέμψαντά με J 7:33; 16:5a; πρὸς τὸν πατέρα vss. 10, 17. ἀπὸ θεοῦ ἐξῆλθεν καὶ πρὸς τὸν θεὸν ὑπάγει 13:3. οἶδα πόθεν ἦλθον καὶ ποῦ ὑπάγω 8:14a; cp. b (GWetter, E. gnost. Formel im vierten Ev.: ZNW 18, 1918, 49–63). ὅπου ἐγὼ ὑπάγω ὑμεῖς οὐ δύνασθε ἐλθεῖν vs. 21b, 22; 13:33; cp. vs. 36b. Abs. ἐγὼ ὑπάγω I am taking my departure 8:21a. ὑπάγω καὶ ἔρχομαι I am going away and returning again 14:28. S. in addition 13:36a; 14:4, 5; 16:5b; 1J 2:11.
    as euphemism to take the journey of death, die ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ὑπάγει the Human One is to go away=he must die Mt 26:24; Mk 14:21.—B. 694. New Docs 4, 97; M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ὑπάγω

  • 14 Fürst

    m; -en, -en prince (auch Titel und fig.); (Herrscher) ruler; leben wie ein Fürst umg. live like a lord ( oder king); der Fürst der Finsternis BIBL. the Prince of Darkness; gehe nie zu deinem Fürst, wenn du nicht gerufen wirst Sprichw. hum. don’t go seeking trouble when there isn’t any
    * * *
    der Fürst
    * * *
    Fụ̈rst [fʏrst]
    m -en, -en
    prince; (= Herrscher) ruler

    wie ein Fürst leben —

    der Fürst der Finsternis or dieser Welt (liter)the Prince of Darkness or of this world (Bibl)

    * * *
    (the ruler of some states or countries: Prince Rainier of Monaco.) prince
    * * *
    <-en, -en>
    1. (Adliger) prince
    \Fürst Bismarck Prince Bismarck
    wie ein \Fürst/die \Fürsten leben to live like a lord [or king]/lords [or kings
    2. (Herrscher) ruler
    der \Fürst der Finsternis [o dieser Welt] (euph geh: Satan) the Prince of Darkness liter
    geistlicher \Fürst prince bishop
    * * *
    der; Fürsten, Fürsten prince
    * * *
    Fürst m; -en, -en prince (auch Titel und fig); (Herrscher) ruler;
    leben wie ein Fürst umg live like a lord ( oder king);
    der Fürst der Finsternis BIBEL the Prince of Darkness;
    gehe nie zu deinem Fürst, wenn du nicht gerufen wirst sprichw hum don’t go seeking trouble when there isn’t any
    * * *
    der; Fürsten, Fürsten prince
    * * *
    -en m.
    prince n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Fürst

  • 15 czort

    - ta; -ty; loc sg - cie; m
    pot devil
    * * *
    pl. -y (= demon) the devil, Satan; czort go weźmie he's going to die; he's going to get hurt; do czorta! what the devil l. hell!; czort wie the devil only knows; czort z nim l. czort go bierz! damn him!, to hell with him!; idź do czorta! go to hell!

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > czort

  • 16 duch

    m 1. (zjawa) ghost, spirit
    - duch zamordowanego rycerza the ghost of a murdered knight
    - historie o duchach ghost stories
    - wywoływać duchy to conjure up ghosts a. spirits
    - bać się duchów to be frightened of ghosts
    - wierzyć w duchy to believe in ghosts a. spirits
    - w duchy wierzysz!iron. you must be joking, are you kidding?
    2. Mitol., Relig. spirit
    - duchy przodków ghosts of ancestors
    - dobre/opiekuńcze duchy good/tutelary spirits
    - duch Boży Bibl. the spirit of God
    - duch nieczysty Bibl. unclean spirit
    - zły duch evil spirit także przen.
    - on jest twoim złym duchem he’s a bad influence on you
    3. Relig. (dusza) soul
    - ubodzy duchem Bibl. the poor in spirit
    - oddać ducha (Bogu)książk. to die
    - wyzionąć ducha pot. to give up the ghost
    - upał był taki, że mało ducha nie wyzionąłem a. że myślałem, że ducha wyzionępot. it was so hot I thought I was going to drop dead a. give up the ghost on the spot pot.
    - leżeć bez ducha to lie (as if) lifeless
    - paść bez ducha to collapse
    4. Filoz. (przeciwieństwo materii) spirit 5. sgt (psychika) spirit, mind; (nastrój) spirits pl
    - wolny/niespokojny duch a free spirit
    - przymioty czyjegoś ducha the attributes of sb’s spirit
    - pogoda ducha cheerfulness
    - być pokarmem dla ducha to be good for the soul
    - w duchu [wierzyć, sądzić, uważać] in one’s heart of hearts
    - śmiać się w duchu to laugh up one’s sleeve
    - w głębi ducha in one’s heart of hearts
    - nieobecny duchem miles away przen.
    - młody duchem young at heart
    - osoba małego/wielkiego ducha a narrow-minded/a generous-spirited person
    - podnieść kogoś na duchu to raise sb’s spirits
    - tracić ducha a. upadać na duchu to lose heart
    - jest mi raźniej na duchu my spirits have risen
    - jest im ciężko na duchu they are in low spirits, their spirits have sunk
    6. (nastawienie) spirit
    - duch współpracy/wspólnoty team/community spirit
    - mieć w sobie ducha przekory to be a contradictory soul
    - okazywać ducha walki/współzawodnictwa to show a fighting/competitive spirit
    - robić coś w duchu optymizmu/pokory/przebaczenia to do sth in a spirit of optimism/humility/forgiveness
    - w duchu społecznym/patriotycznym in a public-spirited/patriotic way
    7. sgt (odwaga) spirit
    - człowiek wielkiego/małego ducha a faint-hearted/courageous person a. individual
    - okazać hart ducha to show spirit
    - złamać czyjegoś ducha to break sb’s spirit
    - tracić ducha to lose spirit a. heart
    - upadać na duchu to become dispirited
    - nabrać ducha to recover one’s courage
    8. sgt (kultury, społeczności) spirit (czegoś of sth); (języka, narodu, epoki) genius książk. (czegoś of sth)
    - duch liberalizmu/chrześcijański liberal/Christian spirit
    - duch czasu the spirit of the times a. age
    - iść z duchem czasu to move with the times
    - w duchu lat 60. in the spirit of the 1960s
    - przestrzegać ducha prawa/umowy to be in the spirit of the law/agreement
    - złamano ducha ustawy the law has been broken in spirit
    - przekład nie oddaje ducha oryginału the translation is not true to the original a. is not in the spirit of the original
    9. (osoba) genius
    - □ Duch Święty Relig. the Holy Spirit a. Ghost
    co duch a. duchem przest. instanter przest.; with all speed
    - wszelki duch (Pana Boga chwali) as I live and breathe!
    - ani żywego ducha not a soul
    - nowy duch wstąpił w a. ożywił kogoś sb has taken heart
    * * *
    -a; m
    spirit; ( zjawa) nom pl; -y ghost

    Duch ŚwiętyREL Holy Spirit lub Ghost

    wyzionąć ( perf) ducha — to give up the ghost

    zły duch — jinx, gremlin; ( osoba) evil genius

    podnosić (podnieść perf) kogoś na duchu — to cheer sb up, to raise sb's spirit

    * * *
    1. (= wnętrze człowieka) spirit, soul, mind; okazać hart ducha demonstrate l. display l. show fortitude; spokój ducha ease l. peace of mind; w skrytości ducha secretly, deep inside one's mind l. heart; w duchu inwardly; w głębi ducha secretly, inwardly; jesteś jeszcze młody duchem you're still young at heart, your mind is still young; teraz mi raźniej na duchu I am cheered l. heartened now; przebywać gdzieś (daleko) duchem be absent-minded, be engrossed in one's thoughts, seem to be far away.
    2. fil., rel. soul, spirit, ghost; zły duch (= diabeł) devil, Satan; (= osoba) jinx, evil spirit l. genius; dobry duch good spirit; duchy opiekuńcze attendant spirits; oddać Bogu ducha give up the ghost; Bogu ducha winien as innocent as a (new-born) babe; wszelki duch Pana Boga chwali! God! You scared the living daylights out of me!; (God) bless my soul!; where the devil did you come from?!; nie było tam żywego ducha there wasn't a (living) soul there; wyzionąć ducha give up the ghost; upaść bez ducha fall lifeless, drop breathless; ledwie się duch w nim kołacze he is on his last legs; Duch Święty rel. the Holy Spirit l. Ghost.
    3. (= zjawa) ghost, spirit; wywoływać duchy conjure (up) spirits, evoke spirits; zniknąć jak duch disappear like a ghost.
    4. (= usposobienie) spirit; człowiek wielkiego ducha big-hearted person; niespokojny duch restless spirit; buntowniczy duch rebellious spirit.
    5. (= nastrój) spirit, atmosphere, climate; spotkanie odbyło się w duchu pojednania meeting was held in a spirit l. an atmosphere of reconciliation; duch czasów spirit of the times; iść z duchem czasu keep up with the times; duch narodowy national spirit.
    6. (= zapał) spirit; brak wam ducha! you're lacking spirit!; dodać komuś ducha walki hearten sb, get up sb's courage; podnieść kogoś na duchu cheer sb up, raise l. lift sb's spirits; nabrać ducha muster courage, be heartened; odebrać komuś ducha break sb's spirit, take the heart out of sb; nowy duch wstąpił we mnie I recovered my courage, I recovered my will to act; nie traćcie ducha don't lose heart; upadać na duchu lose heart.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > duch

  • 17 Fürst

    Fürst(in) <-en, -en> [fʏrst] m(f)
    1) ( Adliger) prince;
    \Fürst Bismarck Prince Bismarck;
    wie ein \Fürst/die \Fürsten leben to live like a lord [or king] /lords [or kings];
    2) ( Herrscher) ruler;
    der \Fürst der Finsternis [o dieser Welt];
    (euph geh: Satan) the Prince of Darkness ( liter)
    geistlicher \Fürst prince bishop

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Fürst

  • 18 οἰκουμένη

    οἰκουμένη, ης, ἡ (the pres. fem. part. pass. of οἰκέω; sc. γῆ. Hdt.+; loanw. in rabb.).
    the earth as inhabited area, exclusive of the heavens above and nether regions, the inhabited earth, the world (Ps 23:1 and often; Iren., Orig., Hippol., Did., Theoph. Ant.): πάσας τ. βασιλείας τ. οἰκουμένης Lk 4:5. Cp. 21:26; Ro 10:18 (Ps 18:5); Hb 1:6 (but s. FSchierse, Verheissung u. Heilsvollendung ’55: ‘heavenly realm’). ὅλη ἡ οἰκ. the whole inhabited earth (Diod S 12, 2, 1 καθʼ ὅλην τὴν οἰκουμένην; EpArist 37.—Diod S 3, 64, 6 and Jos., Bell. 7, 43 πᾶσα ἡ οἰκ.) Mt 24:14; Ac 11:28; Rv 3:10; 16:14; GJs 4:1. W. πᾶσα as qualifier AcPl Ha 9, 5. οἱ κατὰ τὴν οἰκ. ἄνθρωποι PtK 15:20. αἱ κατὰ τὴν οἰκ. ἐκκλησίαι the congregations throughout the world MPol 5:1; cp. 8:1; 19:2.
    the world as administrative unit, the Roman Empire (in the hyperbolic diction commonly used in ref. to emperors, the Rom. Emp. equalled the whole world [as e.g. Xerxes’ empire: Ael. Aristid. 54 p. 675 D., and of Cyrus: Jos., Ant. 11, 3]: OGI 666, 4; 668, 5 τῷ σωτῆρι κ. εὐεργέτῃ τῆς οἰκουμένης [Nero]; 669, 10; SIG 906 A, 3f τὸν πάσης οἰκουμένης δεσπότην [Julian]; cp. Artapanus: 726 Fgm. 3, 22 Jac., in Eus., PE 9, 27, 22: God as ὁ τῆς οἰκ. δεσπότης; POxy 1021, 5ff; Sb 176, 2.—Cp. 1 Esdr 2:2; Philo, Leg. ad Gai. 16; Jos., Bell. 4, 656, Ant. 19, 193; Just., A I, 27, 2; Ath. 1, 1)
    as such Ac 24:5 (as Jos., Ant. 12, 48 πᾶσι τοῖς κατὰ τὴν οἰκουμένην Ἰουδαίοις, except that οἰκ. here is used in the sense of 1 above as surface area. Cp. PLond VI, 1912, 100).
    its inhabitants 17:6.—GAalders, Het Romeinsche Imperium en het NT ’38.
    all inhabitants of the earth, fig. extension of 1 (cp. γῆ): world, humankind Ac 17:31 (cp. Ps 9:9; Artapanus: 726 Fgm. 3:22 Jac., God as ὁ τῆς οἰκ. δεσπότης); 19:27. Of Satan: ὁ πλανῶν τὴν οἰκ. ὅλην who deceives all humankind Rv 12:9. The passage ἐξῆλθεν δόγμα παρὰ Καίσαρος Αὐγούστου ἀπογράφεσθαι πᾶσαν τὴν οἰκουμένην (cp. κόσμον … πάντα LBW II, 1192, 6) Lk 2:1 belongs here also. For the evangelist considers it of great importance that the birth of the world’s savior coincided w. another event that also affected every person in the ‘world’. But it can also be said of Augustus that he ruled the οἰκ., because the word is used also in the sense of 2 above. For connection of the birth of a ruler with the fortunes of humanity s. IPriene 105, 4–11 on the significance of the birth of Caesar Augustus.
    an extraordinary use: τὴν οἰκ. ἔκτισας 1 Cl 60:1, where οἰκ. seems to mean the whole world (so far as living beings inhabit it, therefore the realm of transcendent beings as well). S. Johnston s.v. κόσμος.—Also ἡ οἰκ. ἡ μέλλουσα Hb 2:5=ὁ μέλλων αἰών (6:5); JMeier, Biblica 66, ’85, 504–33; s. αἰών 2b.—JKaerst, Die antike Idee der Oekumene 1903; JVogt, Orbis terrarum 1929; MPaeslack, Theologia Viatorum II, ’50, 33–47.—GHusson, ΟΙΚΙΑ: Le vocabulaire de la maison privée en Égypte d’après les papyrus Grecs ’83; Pauly-W. XVII 2123–74; Kl. Pauly IV 254–56; B. 13.—DELG s.v. οἶκο C. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > οἰκουμένη

  • 19 οὐρανός

    οὐρανός, οῦ, ὁ 24:31 (Hom.+; ‘heaven’ in various senses)
    the portion or portions of the universe gener. distinguished from planet earth, heaven (so mostly in the sing.; s. B-D-F §141, 1)
    mentioned w. the earth
    α. forming a unity w. it as the totality of creation (Pla., Euthyd. 296d οὐρανὸς καὶ γῆ; Gen 1:1; 14:19, 22; Tob 7:17 BA; Jdth 9:12; Bel 5; 1 Macc 2:37 al.; PsSol 8:7; ParJer 5:32; Just., D. 74, 1; PGM 13, 784 ὁ βασιλεύων τῶν οὐρανῶν κ. τῆς γῆς κ. πάντων τῶν ἐν αὐτοῖς ἐνδιατριβόντων; Orig., C. Cels. 6, 59, 6; Theoph. Ant. 1, 4 [p. 64, 13]) ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ Mt 5:18; 11:25; 24:35; Mk 13:31; Lk 10:21; 16:17; 21:33; Ac 4:24; 14:15; 17:24 (on the absence of the art. s. B-D-F §253, 3); Rv 14:7; 20:11; Dg 3:4; AcPlCor 2:9; 19.
    β. standing independently beside the earth or contrasted w. it: Mt 5:34f; Ac 7:49 (cp. on both Is 66:1). ἐν (τῷ) οὐρανῷ καὶ ἐπὶ (τῆς) γῆς Mt 6:10; 28:18; Lk 11:2 v.l.; Rv 5:13.—1 Cor 8:5; Rv 5:3; ISm 11:2. τὸ πρόσωπον τ. γῆς καὶ τ. οὐρανοῦ Lk 12:56. Cp. Hb 12:26 (Hg 2:6); Js 5:12.—τὰ ἔσχατα τ. γῆς as extreme contrast to heaven 1 Cl 28:3. By God’s creative word the heaven was fixed and the earth founded on the waters Hv 1, 3, 4. Neither heaven nor earth can be comprehended by human measure 16:2 (Is 40:12). On ἀπʼ ἄκρου γῆς ἕως ἄκρου οὐρανοῦ Mk 13:27 s. under ἄκρον. ὁ πρῶτος οὐρ. καὶ ἡ πρώτη γῆ will give way in the last times to the οὐρ. καινός and the γῆ καινή Rv 21:1 (cp. Is 65:17; 66:22).
    as firmament or sky over the earth; out of reach for humans Hm 11:18. Hence ἕως οὐρανοῦ (ApcEsdr 4:32) Mt 11:23; Lk 10:15 or εἰς τὸν οὐρ. Hv 4, 1, 5 as an expr. denoting a great height. Likew. ἀπὸ τ. γῆς ἕως τ. οὐρανοῦ 1 Cl 8:3 (scripture quot. of unknown origin); GPt 10:40 (for a transcendent being who walks on the earth and whose head touches the sky, s. Il. 4, 443). Since the heaven extends over the whole earth, ὑπὸ τὸν οὐρ. under (the) heaven = on earth, throughout the earth (Pla., Tim. 23c, Ep. 7, 326c; UPZ 106, 14 [99 B.C.]; Eccl 1:13; 3:1; Just., A II, 5, 2) Ac 2:5; 4:12; Col 1:23; Hs 9, 17, 4; m 12, 4, 2. ὑποκάτωθεν τοῦ οὐρανοῦ throughout the earth 1 Cl 53:3 (Dt 9:14). ἐκ τῆς (i.e. χώρας) ὑπὸ τὸν οὐρ. εἰς τὴν ὑπʼ οὐρανόν from one place on earth to another Lk 17:24 (cp. Dt 29:19; Bar 5:3; 2 Macc 2:18 ἐκ τῆς ὑπὸ τὸν οὐρ. εἰς τὸν ἅγιον τόπον).—In the last days there will appear τέρατα ἐν τ. οὐρανῷ ἄνω wonders in the heaven above Ac 2:19 (Jo 3:3 v.l.). σημεῖον ἐν τῷ οὐρ. Rv 12:1, 3 (cp. Diod S 2, 30, 1 τὰ ἐν οὐρανῷ γινόμενα=what takes place in the heavens; Ael. Aristid. 50, 56 K.=26 p. 519 D., where the statue of Asclepius from Pergamum appears ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ). The sky can even be rolled up; s. ἑλίσσω.—Rain falls fr. heaven (X., An. 4, 2, 2) and heaven is closed to bring about a drought Lk 4:25.—Rv 11:6; Js 5:18 (cp. 2 Ch 6:26; 7:13; Sir 48:3). Lightning also comes fr. heaven (Bacchylides 17, 55f ἀπʼ οὐρανοῦ … ἀστραπάν [=Attic-ήν]) Lk 10:18. Likew. of other things that come down like rain to punish sinners: fire Lk 9:54 (cp. 4 Km 1:10; TestAbr A 10 p. 88, 14 [Stone p. 24]); Rv 20:9; fire and brimstone Lk 17:29 (cp. Gen 19:24); apocalyptic hail Rv 16:21; AcPl Ha 5, 7.
    as starry heaven IEph 19:2. τὰ ἄστρα τοῦ οὐρ. (cp. ἄστρον and s. Eur., Phoen. 1; Diod S 6, 2, 2 ἥλιον κ. σελήνην κ. τὰ ἄλλα ἄστρα τὰ κατʼ οὐρανόν; Ael. Aristid. 43, 13 K.=1 p. 5 D.; TestAbr A 1 p. 78, 1 [Stone p. 4]; JosAs 2:11) Hb 11:12. οἱ ἀστέρες τοῦ οὐρ. 1 Cl 32:2 (Gen 22:17); cp. 10:6 (Gen 15:5). In the time of tribulation at the end of the world the stars will fall fr. heaven Mt 24:29a; Mk 13:25a; Rv 6:13; 12:4. Cp. 8:10; 9:1. ἡ στρατιὰ τοῦ οὐρ. (s. οὐράνιος) the host of heaven, of the stars, which some Israelites illicitly worshipped Ac 7:42 (worship of the στρατιὰ τοῦ οὐρ. in enmity to Yahweh also Jer 7:18; 19:13; Zeph 1:5; 2 Ch 33:3, 5). These are also meant by the δυνάμεις τῶν οὐρανῶν Mt 24:29b; Lk 21:26; cp. Mk 13:25b (cp. δύναμις 4).
    as place of atmosphere (cp. TestAbr A 9 p. 87, 15 [Stone p. 22] εἰς τὴν αἰθέρα τοῦ οὐρανοῦ); clouds hover in it, the νεφέλαι τοῦ οὐρ. (s. νεφέλη) Mt 24:30b; 26:64; Mk 14:62; D 16:8. Likew. the birds, τὰ πετεινὰ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ (Gen 1:26; Ps 8:9; Jdth 11:7; ParJer 7:3; cp. Bar 3:17) Mt 6:26; 8:20; 13:32; Mk 4:32; Lk 8:5; 9:58; Ac 10:12; 11:6; 6:12 (Gen 1:26), 18; Hs 9, 24, 1; GJs 3:2 codd.; 18:2 codd.—πυρράζει ὁ οὐρανός Mt 16:2, 3.—In connection w. τὸν σατανᾶν ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ πεσόντα Lk 10:18 the atmosphere may well be thought of as an abode of evil spirits. On Satan as the ἄρχων τῆς ἐξουσίας τοῦ ἀέρος, s. ἀήρ. Cp. also the λεγόμενοι θεοὶ εἴτε ἐν οὐρ. εἴτε ἐπὶ γῆς 1 Cor 8:5. In any case Rv 12:7f speaks of the dragon and his angels as being in heaven.
    The concept of more than one heaven (the idea is Semitic; but s. FTorm, ZNW 33, ’34, 48–50, who refers to Anaximander and Aristot. Also Ps.-Apollod. 1, 6, 1, 2 ms. and Achilles Tat. 2, 36, 4 and 37, 2 ms. have οὐρανοί; Himerius, Or. 66 [=Or. 20], 4 οὐρανοί as the abode of the gods; also Hesychius Miles. [VI A.D.] c. 66 JFlach of the ‘godless heathen’ Tribonian.—Schlatter, Mt2 p. 58 on 3:2: ‘The pl. οὐρανοί is found neither in Philo nor Joseph.’ Cp. PKatz, Philo’s Bible ’50, 141–46; Mussies 84) is also found in our lit. (s. 1aα; Theoph. Ant. 1, 4 [p. 64, 15]), but it is not always possible to decide with certainty just where the idea is really alive and where it simply survives in a formula (in J’s Gospel the pl. is entirely absent; Rv has it only 12:12 [fr. LXX]. Eph always has the pl. In others the sing. and pl. are interchanged for no apparent reason [cp. Hb 9:23 w. 24 or Hv 1, 1, 4 w. 1, 2, 1; also GPt 10:40f; Ps. 113:11 lines 1 and 2; TestAbr, TestJob, Just., Tat.]): the third heaven (cp. Ps.-Lucian, Philopatris 12 ἐς τρίτον οὐρανὸν ἀεροβατήσας [s. on ἀνακαινίζω and πνεῦμα 8]; PSI 29, 2ff [IV A.D.?] ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε τὸν καθήμενον ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ οὐρανῷ … ἐν τῷ β´ οὐρ. … ἐν τῷ γ´ οὐρ.; Simplicius, In Epict. p. 100, 13 Düb. ὀκτὼ οὐρανοί; TestLevi 3:3; GrBar 11:1 εἰς πέμπτον οὐ. Combination of the third heaven and paradise, GrBar 10:1ff; ApcMos 37. S. τρίτος 1a) 2 Cor 12:2 (s. JohJeremias, Der Gottesberg 1919, 41ff; Ltzm., Hdb.4 ’49, exc. on 2 Cor 12:3f [lit.]). ὑπεράνω πάντων τῶν οὐρανῶν Eph 4:10. τ. πάντα ἐν τ. οὐρανοῖς κ. ἐπὶ τ. γῆς Col 1:16; cp. vs. 20. ἔργα τ. χειρῶν σού εἰσιν οἱ οὐρ. Hb 1:10 (Ps 101:26).—4:14; 7:26; 2 Pt 3:5, 7, 10, 12f (of the heavens, their destruction in the final conflagration, and their replacement by the καινοὶ οὐρ.); 1 Cl 20:1; 33:3. τακήσονταί τινες τῶν οὐρανῶν 2 Cl 16:3.—S. also Lampe s.v. 2.—From the concept of various celestial levels a transition is readily made to
    transcendent abode, heaven (the pl. is preferred for this mng.: B-D-F §141, 1; Rob. 408)
    as the dwelling-place (or throne) of God (Sappho, Fgm. 56 D.2 [=Campbell 54] of Eros; Solon 1, 22 D.3 of Zeus; Hom. Hymn to Aphrodite 291 [all three οὐρ. in the sing. as the seat of the gods]; Pla., Phdr. 246e ὁ μέγας ἐν οὐρανῷ Ζεύς; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 2, 2; 3, 4 ὁ οὐρ. as οἰκητήριον θεοῦ or θεῶν; Dio Chrys. 19[36], 22 θεῶν μακάρων κατʼ οὐρανόν; Artem. 2, 68 p. 159, 13 ὁ οὐρανὸς θεῶν ἐστὶν οἶκος; Ael. Aristid. 43, 14 K.=1 p. 5 D.; Maximus Tyr. 11, 11b; ins from Saïtaï in Lydia [δύναμις 5]; IAndrosIsis, Cyrene 8 p. 129.—On the OT: GWestphal, Jahwes Wohnstätten 1908, 214–73) Mt 23:22; Ac 7:55f; Hb 8:1; 16:2b (Is 66:1); Dg 10:7. ὁ θεὸς ὁ ἐν τοῖς οὐρ. Hv 1, 1, 6 (cp. Tob 5:17 S). ὁ θεὸς τοῦ οὐρ. (Gen 24:3) Rv 11:13; 16:11. ὁ κύριος ἐν οὐρανοῖς Eph 6:9; cp. Col 4:1. ὁ πατὴρ ὑμῶν (μου, ἡμῶν) ὁ ἐν (τοῖς) οὐρ. (silver tablet fr. Amisos: ARW 12, 1909, 25 ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ μέγας ὁ ἐν οὐρανῷ καθήμενος) Mt 5:16, 45; 6:1, 9; 7:11, 21b; 10:33; 12:50; 16:17; 18:10b, 14, 19; Mk 11:25f; Lk 11:2 v.l.; D 8:2 (here the sing. ὁ ἐν τῷ οὐρ. Cp. PGM 12, 261 τῷ ἐν οὐρανῷ θεῷ). ὁ πατὴρ ὁ ἐξ οὐρανοῦ the Father who (gives) from heaven Lk 11:13 (Jos., Ant. 9, 73 ἐκχέαι τὸν θεὸν ἐξ οὐρανοῦ). God dwells in τὰ ὕψη τῶν οὐρ. 1 Cl 36:2. Therefore the one who prays looks up toward heaven: ἀναβλέπειν εἰς τὸν οὐρ. (s. ἀναβλέπω 1) Mt 14:19; Mk 6:41; 7:34; Lk 9:16; MPol 9:2; 14:1. ἀτενίσας εἰς τὸν οὐρ. εἶδεν δόξαν θεοῦ Ac 7:55; ἐπάρας τ. ὀφθαλμοὺς αὐτοῦ εἰς τὸν οὐρ. J 17:1.—The Spirit of God comes fr. (the open) heaven Mt 3:16; Mk 1:10; Lk 3:21; J 1:32; Ac 2:2(–4); 1 Pt 1:12; AcPlCor 2:5. The voice of God resounds fr. it (Maximus Tyr. 35, 7b Διὸς ἐξ οὐρανοῦ μέγα βοῶντος, the words follow) Mt 3:17; Mk 1:11; Lk 3:22; J 12:28; Ac 11:9; MPol 9:1 (cp. Just., D. 88, 8), and it is gener. the place where divine pronouncements originate Ac 11:5 and their end vs. 10. The ὀργὴ θεοῦ reveals itself fr. heaven Ro 1:18 (s. Jos., Bell. 1, 630 τὸν ἀπʼ οὐρανοῦ δικαστήν). Also, a σημεῖον ἐκ (ἀπὸ) τοῦ οὐρ. is a sign given by God Mt 16:1; Mk 8:11; Lk 11:16; cp. 21:11.—Lampe s.v. 4.
    Christ is ἐξ οὐρανοῦ from heaven, of a heavenly nature 1 Cor 15:47 (s. ἄνθρωπος 1d. On this HKennedy, St. Paul and the Conception of the ‘Heavenly Man’: Exp. 8th ser., 7, 1913, 97–110; EGraham, CQR 113, ’32, 226) and has come down from heaven J 3:13b, 31; 6:38, 42, 50 (Ar. 15, 1 ἀπʼ οὐρανοῦ καταβάς; Mel., P. 66, 467 ἀφικόμενος ἐξ οὐρανῶν), as ὁ ἄρτος ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ (s. ἄρτος 2). Cp. Ro 10:6. He returned to heaven (τὴν ἔνσαρκον εἰς τοὺς οὐρανοὺ ἀνάληψιν Iren. 1, 10, 1 [Harv. I 91, 2]; on the ascension s. CHönn, Studien zur Geschichte der Hf. im klass. Altertum: Progr. Mannheim 1910; EPfister, Der Reliquienkult im Altertum II 1912, 480ff; HDiels, Himmels u. Höllenfahrten v. Homer bis Dante: NJklA 49, 1922, 239–53; RHolland, Zur Typik der Himmelfahrt: ARW 23, 1925, 207–20; JKroll, Gott u. Hölle ’32, 533 [ind.: Ascensus]; WMichaelis, Zur Überl. der Hf.s-geschichte: ThBl 4, 1925, 101–9; AFridrichsen, D. Hf. bei Lk: ibid. 6, 1927, 337–41; GBertram, Die Hf. Jesu vom Kreuz: Deissmann Festschr. 1927, 187–217 [UHolzmeister, ZKT 55, ’31, 44–82]; HSchlier, Christus u. d. Kirche im Eph 1930, 1ff; VLarrañaga, L’Ascension de Notre-Seigneur dans le NT ’38 [fr. Spanish]. S. also at ἀνάστασις 2 end, and διά A 2a) to live there in glory: Mk 16:19; Lk 24:51; Ac 1:10f (AZwiep, The Ascension of the Messiah in Lukan Christology ’97); 2:34; 7:55f; 9:3; 22:6; 1 Pt 3:22; 15:9. Christians await his return fr. heaven: Ac 1:11; Phil 3:20; 1 Th 1:10; 4:16; 2 Th 1:7 (Just., A I, 51, 8 al.).—When Messianic woes have come to an end, τότε φανήσεται τὸ σημεῖον τοῦ υἱοῦ τ. ἀνθρώπου ἐν οὐρανῷ then the sign of the Human One (who is) in heaven will appear; acc. to the context, the sign consists in this, that he appears visibly in heavenly glory Mt 24:30.—Lampe s.v. 10b.
    as the abode of angels (Gen 21:17; 22:11; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 8, 12; TestAbr A 4 p. 80, 34 [Stone p. 8]; ParJer 3:2; ApcMos 38; Just., D. 57, 2) Mt 18:10a; 22:30; 24:36; 28:2; Mk 12:25; 13:32; Lk 2:15; 22:43; J 1:51; Gal 1:8; Rv 10:1; 18:1; 19:14; 20:1. Cp. Eph 3:15.—Lampe s.v. 7.
    Christians who have died also dwell in heaven (cp. Dio Chrys. 23 [40], 35 οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῶν ἐν αὐτῷ θείων κ. μακαρίων αἰώνιον τάξιν; Libanius, Or. 21 p. 459, 9 F. πόρρω τοῦ τὸν οὐρανὸν οἰκοῦντος χοροῦ; Oenomaus in Eus., PE 5, 33, 5; 12; Artem. 2, 68 p. 160, 25 τὰς ψυχὰς ἀπαλλαγείσας τῶν σωμάτων εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν ἀνιέναι τάχει χρωμένας ὑπερβάλλοντι; Himerius, Or. 8 [=23], 23: the daemon of the dead holds the σῶμα of the dead person, τὴν ψυχὴν ὁ οὐρανός; Quintus Smyrn. 7, 88; TestAbr A 20 p. 103, 26 [Stone p. 54]; TestJob 39:13; ApcEsdr 7:3). Their life, τὸ ἀληθῶς ἐν οὐρανῷ ζῆν, stands in strong contrast to the ὄντως θάνατος, that leads to the everlasting fire Dg 10:7b. Rhoda, who greets Hermas from heaven Hv 1, 1, 4, need not have died (s. MDibelius, Hdb. ad loc.), and still she shows us that heaven is open to the devout. Furthermore, the true citizenship of Christians is in heaven (Tat. 16, 1 τὴν ἐν οὐρανοῖς πορείαν; s. πολίτευμα) Phil 3:20; cp. Dg 5:9. Their names are enrolled in heaven (s. βίβλος 2) Lk 10:20; Hb 12:23. In heaven there await them their glorified body 2 Cor 5:1f, their reward Mt 5:12; Lk 6:23, their treasure Mt 6:20; Lk 12:33, the things they hoped for Col 1:5, their inheritance 1 Pt 1:4. It is a place of peace Lk 19:38.—ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ the New Jerusalem (s. Ἱεροσόλυμα 2) will come down to earth Rv 3:12; 21:2, 10.
    The concept of a heaven in which God, attendant spirits of God, and the righteous dead abide, makes it easy to understand the taking over of certain OT expressions in which heaven is personified εὐφραίνεσθε οἱ οὐρανοί (cp. Is 44:23; 49:13; Mel., P. 98, 747) Rv 12:12; cp. 18:20; 9:3 (Is 1:2); 11:2 (Jer 2:12); 1 Cl 27:7 (Ps 18:2).
    an indirect reference to God, God fig. ext. of 2 (s. βασιλεία 1b.—A common Hebrew practice, but not unknown among polytheists: Philippides Com. [IV/III B.C.] 27 νὴ τὸν οὐρανόν. Acc. to Clem. Al., Protr. 5, 66, 4 Θεόφραστος πῇ μὲν οὐρανὸν, πῇ δὲ πνεῦμα τὸν θεὸν ὑπονοεῖ=Theophrastus at one time thinks of God as heaven and at another time as spirit; Appian, Hann. 56 §233 σημεῖα ἐκ Διός [ln. 14 Viereck-R.]=ἐξ οὐρανοῦ [ln. 16]; JosAs 19:2; SEG XXVIII, 1251, 3 [III/IV A.D.; s. New Docs 3, 49f]). ἁμαρτάνειν εἰς τὸν οὐρ. sin against God Lk 15:18, 21. ἐξ οὐρανοῦ ἢ ἐξ ἀνθρώπων Mt 21:25; Mk 11:30f; Lk 20:4f. βασιλεία τῶν οὐρ. (GrBar 11:2) in Mt=βασιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ 3:2; 4:17; 5:3, 10, 19f; 7:21; 8:11; 10:7; 11:11f; 13:11, 24, 31, 33, 44f, 47, 52; 16:19; 18:1, 3f, 23; 19:12, 14, 23; 20:1; 22:2; 23:13; 25:1: J 3:5 v.l.; AcPl Ha 8, 31 (restored)=BMM verso 3.—B. 53; 1484. DELG. M-M. DLNT 439–43. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > οὐρανός

  • 20 συναγωγή

    συναγωγή, ῆς, ἡ (Thu. et al.; ins, pap, LXX, Just.). The term ς. is fluid, and its use as a loanword in Eng. in connection with cult suggests a technical usage that belies the extraordinary breadth of use of ς. Orig. in act. sense ‘a bringing together, assembling’, then in LXX and contemporary documents ‘a gathering’ or ‘place of assembly’.—For ins evidence relating to cultic usage s. ROster, NTS 39, ’93, 181 n. 14 (the principal corpora); for synonyms, p. 186; cp. New Docs 4, 202f.
    a place where someth. collects, gathering place of the basins in which water is gathered at the creation (Gen 1:9; cp. Jos., Ant. 15, 346 ς. ὑδάτων; Did., Gen. 25, 14 ς., ἣν καλεῖν εἰώθασιν ὠκεανόν) 1 Cl 20:6.
    a place of assembly (Cybeleins [Bilderatlas z. Religionsgesch. 9–11, 1926 p. xix no. 154] ἐν τῇ τοῦ Διὸς συναγωγῇ; s. New Docs 3, 43. Sb 4981, 6f [restored].—On συναγωγή as a room for meetings cp. συνέδρια of the meeting-houses of the Pythagoreans Polyb. 2, 39, 1).
    of the Jewish synagogue (it is used for a place of assembly for Jews in Philo, Omn. Prob. Lib. 81 [w. ref. to the Essenes]; Jos., Bell. 2, 285; 289; 7, 44, Ant. 19, 300; 305; CIG 9894; 9904; BCH 21, 1897 p. 47; Συναγωγὴ Ἑβραίων in Corinth [s. Κόρινθος, end], in Rome [CIG IV, 9909] and ILydiaKP III, 42 p. 32ff.—S. AvHarnack, Mission4 II 1924, p. 568, 2; GKittel, TLZ 69, ’44, 11f.—Orig., C. Cels. 6, 23, 3; Hippol., Ref. 9, 12, 7); people came to the συν. to worship God Mt 4:23; 6:2, 5; 9:35; 12:9; 13:54; Mk 1:39; 3:1; 6:2; Lk 4:15; 6:6; J 18:20. In the same buildings court was also held and punishment was inflicted: Mt 10:17; 23:34; Mk 13:9; Lk 12:11; 21:12; Ac 22:19; 26:11 (HKee, NTS 36, ’90, 1–24 perceives Acts as reading a post-70 situation into Paul’s career; rejoinder ROster, ibid 39, ’93, 178–208, with caution against reliance on mere transliteration of ς. and w. conclusion that Luke is not guilty of anachronism; response by Kee, ibid. 40, ’94, 281–83 [also 41, ’95, 481–500], w. observation that the inscription from the syngagogue of Theodotus in Jerusalem [s. Dssm. LO 378–80=LAE 439–41; Boffo, Iscrizioni no. 31] may well be no earlier than IV A.D.; for critique of Kee’s views s. also ESanders, Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah, ’87, 341–43 notes 28 and 29. For early use in reference to a Jewish synagogue, s. New Docs 4, 202, IBerenike 16, 5 [55 A.D.] of a building, ln. 3 of members meeting in it). Synagogues are also mentioned as existing in Antioch in Pisidia 13:14; Athens 17:17; Berea vs. 10; Damascus 9:20; Ephesus 18:19 (GHorsley, The Inscriptions of Ephesus and the NT: NovT 34, ’92, 105–68); Capernaum Mk 1:21; Lk 4:33; 7:5; J 6:59 (HKohl and CWatzinger, Antike Synagogen in Galiläa 1916; HVincent, RB 30, 1921, 438ff; 532ff; GOrfali, Capharnaum et ses ruines 1922); Corinth Ac 18:4 (s. New Docs 3, 121); Ephesus 19:8; Nazareth Lk 4:16; Salamis on the island of Cyprus Ac 13:5; Thessalonica 17:1.—ESukenik, Ancient Synagogues in Palestine and Greece ’34.—On the building of synagogues by patrons s. TRajak, Benefactors in the Greco-Jewish Diaspora, in MHengel Festschr. I ’96, 307 n. 7 lit.—On the relationship betw. συναγωγή and προσευχή (q.v. 2) s. SKrauss, Synagogale Altertümer 1922, 11; Boffo, Iscrizioni 39–46; Pauly-W. 2d ser. IV ’32, 1284–1316; ERivkin, AHSilver Festschr. ’63, 350–54.—AGroenman, De Oorsprong der Joodsche Synagoge: NThT 8, 1919, 43–87; 137–88; HStrack, RE XIX 221–26; Elbogen2 444ff; 571ff; Billerb. IV, 115–52 (the Syn. as an institution), 153–88 (the Syn. services); GDalman, Jesus-Jeshua (tr. PLevertoff) 1929, 38–55; SSafrai, MStern et al., The Jewish People in the 1st Century II, ’77, 908–44; LLevine, The Second Temple Synagogue, The Formative Years: The Synagogue in Late Antiquity ’87, 7–31; Schürer II 423–63; III 138–49; s. also lit. cited by Oster, Kee, and Boffo above.
    an assembly-place for Judeo-Christians (Nazarenes) can also be meant in Js 2:2 (so LRost, PJ 29, ’33, 53–66, esp. 54f but s. 4 below). εἰς ς. πλήρη ἀνδρῶν Hm 11:14 (cp. the superscription on a Marcionite assembly-place near Damascus συναγωγὴ Μαρκιωνιστῶν [OGI 608, 1 fr. 318/19 A.D.]; Harnack, SBBerlAK 1915, 754ff). S. 5 below.
    the members of a synagogue, (the congregation of a) synagogue (Just., D. 53, 4 al.; references for this usage in Schürer II 423f; III 81–86; EPeterson, Byz.-Neugriech. Jahrbücher 2, 1921, 208)
    of localized synagogues Ac 6:9 (Schürer II 428; cp. CIJ 683 [=Corpus Ins. Regni Bosporani ’65 no. 70], for translation and ill. see RMackennan, Bar 22/2, ’96, 47); 9:2.
    in a limited sense, of those who consider themselves Ἰουδαῖοι but are hostile to Christians (who also identify themselves as Ἰουδαῖοι whether Israelite by descent or believers from the nations—on the mixed composition of the followers of Jesus Christ s. Ac 13:43; ISm 1:2), and are called (instead of συναγωγὴ κυρίου: Num 16:3; 20:4; 27:17; Josh 22:16; Ps 73:2) συναγωγὴ τοῦ σατανᾶ synagogue of Satan Rv 2:9; 3:9 (cp. Just., D. 104, 1 ἡ ς. τῶν πονηρευομένων; s. 5 below).
    a synagogal meeting, a meeting, gathering for worship, of the Judeans λυθείσης τῆς συναγωγῆς Ac 13:43 (s. λύω 3).—Transferred to meetings of Judeo-Christian congregations (cp. TestBenj 11:2, 3; Just., D. 63, 5; 124, 1; Theoph. Ant. 2, 14 [p. 136, 12]) ἐὰν εἰσέλθῃ εἰς συναγωγὴν ὑμῶν Js 2:2 (this is the preferred interpr.: HermvSoden, Ropes, Meinertz, FHauck; s. 2b above). συναγωγὴ ἀνδρῶν δικαίων Hm 11:9, 13, cp. 14. πυκνότερον συναγωγαὶ γινέσθωσαν meetings (of the congregation) should be held more often IPol 4:2. (συναγ. is also found outside Jewish and Christian circles for periodic meetings; s. the exx. in MDibelius, Jakobus 1921 p. 124, 1. Also Philo Bybl.: 790 Fgm. 4, 52 Jac. [in Eus., PE 1, 10, 52] Ζωροάστρης ἐν τῇ ἱερᾷ συναγωγῇ τῶν Περσικῶν φησι; OGI 737, 1 [II B.C.] ς. ἐν τῷ Ἀπολλωνείῳ; PLond 2710 recto, 12: HTR 29, ’36, 40; 51.—Sb 8267, 3 [5 B.C.] honorary ins of a polytheistic ς.=association. W. ref. to the imperial cult BGU 1137, 2 [6 B.C.]. On the Christian use of the word s. also ADeissmann, Die Urgeschichte des Christentums im Lichte der Sprachforschung 1910, 35f).
    a group of pers. who band together, freq. with hostile intent, band, gang ς. πονηρευομένων (Ps 21:17) B 5:13; 6:6; GJs 15:1 v.l. (for σύνοδος).—SSafrai, The Synagogue: CRINT I/2, 908–44; WSchrage, BHHW III 1906–10; Kl. Pauly V 451f.—S. ἀρχισυναγωγός and New Docs 4, 213–20. DELG s.v. ἄγω. EDNT. DLNT 1141–46. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > συναγωγή

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